Saw this reply to one of my Tweets today:
“Do you even know what peer review is? Because it’s pretty clear you don’t.”
Unfortunately I know peer review all too well.
It’s like waking up after a night in Vegas and discovering to your dismay that you married the Swamp Thing and now you’re going to be having swamp babies.
The pursuit of medicine is all tangled up in the peer review process. If it hasn’t been peer reviewed it must not be trustworthy, right?
Peer review is an utter sham.
The idea is all well and good: your scientific peers read and review your research prior to publication to make sure it passes muster.
But like many great ideas it was transmuted from gold into lead when it met with human nature and the wrong incentive structure.
First of all no one is paid to do it and no one knows who does it so there is no accountability if it’s done poorly or not even done at all.
Would you buy a critical product that had been safety testing like that?
Would you trust your life to a car that was safety tested in that way? By some secret, unpaid, unaccountable group, whose primary incentive is not to upset the manufacturer by holding up the production line and whose secondary incentive is to waste as little time as possible on an unpaid chore without even the possibility of ever gaining any recognition for having done it?
So, why would you trust your life and health and the lives and health of everyone you know to “medical science” vetted in such a silly, inscrutable way?
Unsurprisingly, it’s actually been proven time and again that peer review of “scientific” research is not actually happening.
Completely bogus and laughably ridiculous papers have been submitted for peer review and accepted many times over.
Social science papers chock full of all the latest buzzwords and little else were accepted and published - as a social science experiment to prove that peer review doesn’t exist.
Math papers with pages of of arcane equations generated randomly by computer programs and that made no sense at all have been accepted for publication.
Discredited company Surgisphere published papers in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet to great fanfare purportedly confirming the mainstream medical narrative that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and harmful as a COVID-19 therapy.
The Surgisphere papers passed peer review with completely (and obviously) faked data sets that took just hours for many astute readers to point out.
What peer review actually does best (sometimes failing even this) is to simply act as a check that a paper is in accord with the mainstream consensus narrative of the moment.
The reason it doesn’t always work even to do that, is because again, most peer reviewers are just blindly rubber stamping what comes across their desk.
But, bad as it is, there is something even worse than “peer review”: the systematic suppression of any evidence, even of the very best quality, that calls into question an important prevailing narrative - AKA Big Pharma gold mine.
When by happy accident or oversight a rebel paper (with evidence that the prevailing paradigm is actually wrong) does make it past peer review the journal editor will just reject it without cause.
If by some miracle it does make it to publication (because the editor was asleep at the wheel), the journal will immediately retract it after getting a backroom call from their Big Pharma pals always alert for anything being published that is harmful to their bottom line.
The peer review sham is not even a secret.
Retired Big Journal editors from the New England Journal of Medicine, The British Medical Journal and The Lancet have published multiple books laying out in detail how pharmaceutical companies hijacked the integrity of their journals, the peer review process, and modern medicine.
Despite all this sleaziness having been exposed 20 years ago it doesn’t make much of a splash because the media and med schools are also bought and paid for by Big Pharma.
In fact, its not just peer review: the entire edifice of modern medicine with its insistence on a warped view of EBM & faulty insistence on expensive large RCTs, it’s captured FDA Approvals and politically motivated CDC Recommendations and pharma shill stacked Medical Boards is nothing but a massive steaming pile of cow dung being passed off as caviar.
Crazy people happily gobbling up excrement in a fancy restaurant wouldn’t be so bad if their insanity wasn’t actually killing and maiming so many other people.
The latest examples include the recent revelation that decades of Alzheimers research were in large part based on a faked study published in the prestigious academic journal Nature implicating beta amyloid as the cause of the disease leading to the entire massive modern pharmaceutical paradigm of research into drug candidates that eliminate beta amyloid, despite evidence suggesting it may actually be a protective response by a diseased brain.
Not only did this lead to the discounting of other important theoretical models, it also diverted billions in public and private funding away from therapies that could have actually saved lives, including functional therapeutic approaches proven to work that rely on individualized (off-label, cheap) multi drug therapy such as the Bredesen Protocol described in “The End of Alzheimers”.
Another particularly timely and horrifying example is the damage being done by the mRNA shots and the Big Medicine, Big Media, Big Government gaslighting going on to convince people their lying eyes deceive them, or all these people unexpectedly dropping dead is due to “video games”, or “climate change”, or eating the wrong thing for breakfast:

It’s long past time people got upset, really upset and demanded an end to the century of snake oil that was foisted upon us by oil baron John D. Rockefeller, who discredited and destroyed a vibrant American edifice of alternative and herbal medicine research, schooling and practice.
In exchange we got a corrupt, captured system that systematically downplays natural immunity and healthy living in lieu of a pill for every ill and soon enough an (mRNA) injection for every affliction or infection.