“Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases…” Psalm 103:3
Every disease has a cure - The Arabian Prophet
I got a lot of pushback for tweeting that every disease has a cure.
This should be considered axiomatic and seems like it represents the basic premise of our modern medical science endeavor: we may not have a cure right now, but the promise of science is that eventually we will - perhaps once we’ve perfected gene editing, nano tech and personalized medicine.
Older healthcare traditions of the east and west held this belief as well, though they weren’t waiting for it to arrive in the future.
What’s meant is not that you can regrow lopped off limbs and organs or raise the dead (though in strictly limited situations these are all possible and we are extending those limits).
I’m referring to healing supposedly incurable chronic illnesses.
There are multitudes of documented reports of spontaneous remission of end stage cancer and other seemingly incurable diseases.
Some of these spontaneous remissions are truly spontaneous, and some occur after much concerted effort focusing on lifestyle and alternative healing modalities.
When a patient undergoes one of these miraculous seeming remissions the best medical science has to offer is the illness was misdiagnosed to begin with.
This doesn’t inspire confidence in the diagnostics.
What if the problem isn’s false positives, but a false paradigm?
If death appears imminent it certainly seems humane to suggest patients get their affairs in order, but for long term chronic illness, should we be telling patients there is no hope?
What if there really are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in our philosophy?
Functional medicine physicians are often able to reliably reverse incurable illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves disease, multiple sclerosis, early Alzheimer’s dementia and more.
In resource poor settings, essentially using no more than drastic lifestyle change and locally available foodstuffs (including vegetable juicing), I’ve seen reversals of longstanding diabetes, hypertension, debilitating arthritis, heart disease, seizures, and numerous end stage cancers.
But I’ve never seen anyone get better who didn’t believe they would.
Most modern day physicians transmit the certainty that you cannot heal, whereas any true healer must transmit the certainty that you will.
The mind plays a powerful role in health.
The placebo effect has been greatly downplayed by modern medicine, but is likely involved in spontaneous remissions as well as the slower more methodical cases of healing from “incurable” illnesses.
Spike Protein Diseases
Most of my work nowadays revolves around treating and reversing Long Haul COVID and mRNA vaccine injuries.
So I was surprised to learn that nearly 36% of my followers thought it impossible to ever completely heal vaccine injuries.
There are certainly many unanswered and incompletely answered questions around the long term effects and persistence of the vaccine and its constituents.
How long does the mRNA remain functional in our bodies?
At least 60 days, but no one has looked beyond that.
Do the lipid nanoparticles cause any ongoing damage and are they cleared out eventually?
Are there other undeclared ingredients like heavy metals that can be detoxed or not?
It may be some time before we have good answers to any of these questions, but in the meantime we can do a thorough workup to see if there is ongoing inflammation or dysfunction and correct any we find.
If you have symptoms, the first step is to fully recover from those.
If there are no symptoms, then optimizing health and/or testing become much more important.

Tests for circulating spike protein are being developed, but in the meantime we know that those who are ill have uptake of the S1 subunit of the spike protein inside atypical monocytes, and we can test for those via Dr Bruce Pattersons startup InCellDx.
InCellDx also has a panel of specific inflammatory markers known to be elevated in those with spike protein disorders related to Long COVID and Vax injuries.
Resia Pretorius has pioneered what is likely the single most accurate test for spike protein diseases - a grading system for blood smears using a specific stain which highlights the atypical amyloid fibrin micro clots found exclusively in those with Long COVID and COVID clot shot injuries.
This test is not commercially available, but could be run by any local physician or lab that has the right microscope.
Some tests which might be correlated with spike protein induced micro clotting are Alpha 2 Antiplasmin and Von Willebrand Factor. D-dimer is usually trapped inside the micro clots and is therefore rarely elevated in my experience.
A number of more standard inflammatory markers are frequently normal but still work checking and include ESR, CRP, and ferritin.
A standard functional medicine workup that casts a wide net looking for micronutrient deficiencies (that can be created by increased demand), autoantibodies, and organ dysfunction is also important.
I’ve seen some patients (including myself from Long COVID) recover from spike toxicity after simply optimizing lifestyle parameters like nutrition, fasting, exposure to heat and cold, breath work, meditation, etc.
This highlights the incredible resiliency of our bodies and their detox systems which though they have been in place for hundreds of thousands of years still routinely manage to clear out industrial chemicals and other toxins which did not exist until modern times.
But some bodies do need help clearing out the spike protein and micro clots and that’s where various vitamins, supplements, medications and procedures can be helpful.
Vitamins A & D help balance the immune system.
Vit E and Omega 3s help calm vascular inflammation and thin the blood.
Vit C has antiviral effects and also helps rebalance the gut microbiota.
Zinc is antiviral and may need to be replenished after illness or the shot - deficiency can be implicated in loss of taste and smell.
Quercetin has antihistamine effects and acts as a zinc ionophore.
Vit K2 binds spike protein and is important for the immune system and calcium metabolism.
Curcumin and Black Seed help up regulate autophagy and have powerful broad spectrum antiviral and immuno-modulatory effects.
There are enzymes like nattokinase/lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, and bromelain which digest the atypical micro clots and spike protein.
There are procedures like the stellate ganglion block as well as a cheap device called a TENS 7000 unit that can calm down the overactive sympathetic nervous system which perpetuates the inflammation and prevents your own healing mechanisms from kicking in.
There are medications like ivermectin which has multitudinous positive effects for spike protein diseases including binding spike, inhibiting viral replication, modulating the immune system, up regulating autophagy, rebalancing the microbiome and more.
There is a big bag of tricks that can be deployed, but much of the process comes down to trial and error.
I’ve seen a lot of people heal from this, but some do give up.
So even if there is a cure for every disease, not every patient can be cured.