Courage is not possible without fear.
But, no one likes to admit being afraid.
We need to face down our fears because we certainly need a lot of courage right now: courage to speak truth to power and courage to stand up and do what is right in the face of risks to our health, livelihood and relationships.
Courage to spend a bit now as insurance against what may be coming, because when it arrives flight won’t be an option.
Despite our innate aversion to admitting fear, it’s obvious a plurality of Americans were extremely frightened by COVID-19 in the early days.
Frightened enough to give up many constitutional freedoms and mandate medical treatments to all and sundry.
Back then the media was Chicken Little claiming the sky was falling.
Now the media has finally moved on, and would have you believe that everything is fine: just take your booster, Netflix and chill.
Variant “XBB.1.5” is the latest Late Night musical jingles earworm.

But, at the risk of sounding melodramatic, evidence is growing that there is a real and extremely dangerous wave of the COVID pandemic brewing, i.e. the virus is weaponizing in the wild, the ultimate gain of function experiment is going on all around us, driven by the mass vaccination program.
There is a lot of speculation.
One commentator suggests that based on leaked documents from the DOD the initial pandemic strain was actually a live attenuated vaccine that escaped during the Wuhan Military Games and is now reverting to its original bioweapon template.
This would be similar to vaccine polio strains which reverted to virulence, thereby actually causing polio in India rather than preventing it. and are now the leading cause of paralytic polio worldwide (The Gates Foundation was implicated in this debacle).
Reminds one of the hubris of the fictional scientists in the movie Jurassic Park who were certain their engineered dinos would be unable to reproduce.
But the most credible theory comes from Geert Van Den Bossche, who first of all successfully predicted the pandemic of variants we have seen for the last 2 years.
The mutation rate of the virus is far above and beyond what would be expected in a naturally evolving pandemic and is being driven by immune pressure created by mass vaccination.
He was heavily decried initially for speaking out, but now his theory is going mainstream.
Van Den Bossches second prediction has also come true: he predicted declining immune function in the vaccinated, which is now evident in official statistics and large studies.
A Cleveland Clinic study of 51,000 employees shows their risk of infection with COVID-19 climbs after each shot:
1 shot = 1.7X more likely to get COVID
2 shots = 2.6X more likely
3 shots = 3.1X more likely
4+ shots = 3.8X more likely
Why is this happening?
The vaccinated have been found to have lower CD4 and CD8 T cell counts, one marker of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, ie AIDS - not to say they have the HIV variety which was fake news (though it is true the spike protein has HIV-like domains, it doesn’t cause infection with HIV).
The vaccinated also have lower immunoglobulin levels and a shift of the antibody response from immunoglobulin subtype 3 (IgG3) to subtype 4 (IgG4).
Simply speaking IgG4 type antibodies are used by the immune system to ignore something, like a peanut protein.
That’s fine to prevent allergic reactions from harmless components of our environment, but when a virus gets tagged by the immune system as harmless it can replicate unchecked throughout the body killing cells as it goes and eventually overwhelming the host.
Since the vaccinated are now immunosuppressed as a group, they are cultivating extremely high viral loads for prolonged periods of time, which speeds up the mutation rate exponentially, and also leads to an increased viral pressure in the entire population, including the unvaccinated.
The risk of getting infected depends on the viral load you are exposed to, and the severity of the ensuing infection also depends on the size of that initial bolus of viral particles. the larger the concentration the worse off you are later on.
So the unvaccinated who may never have gotten sick normally may end up getting sick from exposure to the vaccinated.
Truly a pandemic of the vaccinated.
Van Den Bossche’s final prediction, which he says is just around the corner, is that the virus, following basic evolutionary theory, will mutate in such a way that it evades the immune barrier currently keeping it out of the lungs.
Once that happens severe pulmonary infection and inflammation in the infected will lead to overwhelming numbers of deaths - especially in the vaccinated.
Van den Bossche is warning that if and when that occurs the vaccinated may need to start treatment even before symptoms begin.
We know that infection is brewing for many days before symptoms develop, the now the latest variants are bringing back some old Delta mutations which prolong the pre-symptomatic period.
I still get too many patients coming to me already sick and on day 5 or later of symptoms.
It usually takes at least a day to get through registration and requesting the medications and another 1-3 days to get your ivermectin from mail order.
Best case scenario you would be starting ivermectin 1-2 days after you request it.
A difference of hours and days in this infection can make the difference between rapid recovery and hospitalization, long COVID or worse.
The only rational approach is to have medications on hand before you get sick and to know exactly what to do.
Review the protocol and ask all your questions and make notes, so you have no doubt in your mind what to do when the time comes.
Treat Don’t Test
Most patients hesitate to bring out the big guns.
Hesitation is a mistake.
Just assume it’s COVID, especially if you’re at risk.
Even if it’s not, the medications will usually help and don’t hurt.
The same medications are recommended by the FLCCC for the Flu and RSV. And they have broad spectrum antiviral activity even beyond those.
The point of telling you all this is not to cower in fear or become paralyzed with indecision, the point is to be prepared.
There is actually a third response to fear which is dysfunctional: freeze.
Whatever you do, you don’t want to freeze because then you’re bait.
One of the best tools I’ve found for fixing a dysfunctional fear response is called the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short.
It’s a technique of tapping on acupuncture meridiens which can release trapped emotions and shift your outlook, helping you break free of dysfunctional response patterns.
It takes just a minute to learn and try.
Forewarned Is Forearmed
The ammunition you need for the coming war is optimized health, fitness, micronutrient sufficiency (lab testing can help), antiseptics, supplements, over the counter and prescription medications, a nebulizer machine, blood pressure cuff and a pulse oximeter.
Reach out to us for free at for a full pandemic preparedness protocol to have on hand for yourself and loved ones.
When the end comes it will go fast. Medications and supplies could run out within days. I’ve reached out to my friends and family to tell them what I’m telling you. In my household we are getting ready, even though we didn’t get any of the shots.
An ounce of prevention is very cheap, a pound of cure is very dear.
Thank you Dr. Haider for standing up for the truth. You're 100% correct -- we need to fight back or they will never stop, and we're starting to make progress. There is a point at which "sudden deaths" can no longer be concealed or dismissed, and I think many MD's are starting to wake up (they want to be able to look at themselves in the mirror again).
Keep up the great work, Dr. Haider!
I listened to the clip of GVB being interviewed by you that was played on Joe Rogan during Bret Weinstein's appearance. I understood Geert to reject as "myth" that viruses always evolve toward being less harmful (less virulent) while becoming more transmissible. Yet on Rogan Bret perpetuated the "myth" while also relating GVB's contention that the Covid-19 virus would inevitably become more virulent. Weinstein seemed to imply that vaccination mid -pandemic is what risks increasing virulence. The effect of non-neutralizing antibodies due to imperfect mRNA injection immunity may be perpetuating infections which in turn would increase opportunity for increased virulence due to high number of cases (i.e. individual "experiments"). But I don't think Bret Weinstein is accurately conveying GVB's view that rejects the contention that viruses in general evolve to be less harmful.
Geert, you, and Bret are all great. I'm just putting this out there. Who knows, someone may read this comment.