Fetal and Animal Cell Lines in The Production of Vaccines and other Pharmaceuticals
Virginia, 1951: A 30-year-old black female tobacco farmer gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Joe. Four and a half months later, she noticed bleeding outside her regular cycle.
Even before the pregnancy, she felt something was wrong because sex had become painful. She told her cousins she felt like there was a knot inside her. They told her not to worry. It was probably just part of the pregnancy.
But now that she saw blood, she knew something must be wrong. So she felt up inside her vagina until she touched her cervix, and sure enough, there was a hard, marble-like lump on the right side.
The biopsy confirmed the problem was aggressive cervical cancer. She was treated with radium but eventually succumbed to the disease.
On the other hand, her tumor cells were preserved in the lab and proved remarkably long-lived – immortal, in fact. They also grew very fast – doubling every 24 hours. The cells, labeled “HeLa” after her name, Henrietta Lacks, were taken without her or her family's consent and spawned entire industries as they proliferated in labs worldwide.
The immortal tumor cells turned out to be a revolutionary breakthrough for medical research. Cell biologists had been trying to study disease and develop drugs using human cells in the lab for years. But all prior cell lines would die out after 40 - 50 cell divisions in a natural process known as apoptosis, or programmed cell death. This made the cell cultures very difficult, if not impossible, to work with.
Apoptosis prevents random harmful mutations from building up in cell lines and propagating throughout organs in a living animal. Cancer cells had long been known to bypass this normal programmed cell death. Still, all attempts to keep cancer cells alive in a lab setting had failed. That is until Henrietta's tumor was cultured.
Despite their tremendous usefulness, they were still cancer cells, and due to their immortality, they racked up mutations. Scientists began looking for a way around the limitations of this immortal cell line.
Then in the early 60s, an anonymous woman in Sweden had an abortion. The fetal tissue was sent to the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Scientist Leonard Hayflick managed to turn some of this fetal tissue into the cell line known as WI-38. Hayflick discovered that every time the cells divided to fill their container, he could siphon off some of them and freeze them in liquid nitrogen. This repeated process allowed a single cell line to provide up to 10 sextillion cell cultures that could be used for up to 50 days before undergoing apoptosis.
Hayflick had developed a virtually unlimited supply of non-immortalized cells, which came to be used by biomedical researchers worldwide to this day. And Hayflick’s cell line is not the only one. For example, MRC-5 was also isolated in 1966 by J.P. Jacobs from the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted human fetus from the U.K.
Stanley Plotkin was the first to use Hayflick's WI-38 to develop a vaccine. In 1969, Plotkin cultured RA 27/3, a weakened strain of the rubella virus, using WI-38 cells. This strain was used to create the first vaccine cultured on (and containing) the cells of an aborted human child.
WI-38 and MRC-5 were used to develop many more vaccines, including (but not limited to) rabies, chicken-pox and shingles, hepatitis A, polio, adenovirus, and COVID-19 vaccines.
Some fetal cell lines have also now been immortalized. For example, PER.C6 was derived from the retinal cells of an aborted fetus in 1985 and transformed using adenovirus Type 5. Johnson & Johnson uses PER.36 to make their COVID-19 vaccine. Their vaccine is known to cause thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), and many other adverse effects are suspected.
The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use yet another immortal cell line, HEK-293. HEK-293 was derived from the kidney cells of a baby aborted in the 1970s and also transformed using adenovirus Type 5.
Countless articles such as this one use semantics to try and dance around the fact that these vaccines were developed using aborted human fetal cells, but the truth is inescapable.
If that wasn’t enough, some vaccines are even produced using animal cell lines.
And what is rarely ever mentioned is that the cellular material used to create the vaccines – whether fetal or animal – actually makes it into the end product.
Some of these vaccines include measles in chicken embryo cells, polio in mouse cell lines, and an “egg-free” flu vaccine produced using cocker spaniel kidney cells.
Dr. Judy Mikovits famously tried to expose the likely dangers of this practice and was figuratively burnt at the stake for doing so.
Dr. Mikovits recently appeared on the Dr. Haider Show with me and discussed her primary concerns. She explained that all cell lines, including those of animals and humans, contain retroviruses, which are referred to as the organism's natural “virome,” which is the viral subset of the microbiome – i.e., the generally healthy microorganisms that coexist with their host to mutual benefit.
However, some microorganisms can be harmful, and not all retroviruses are necessarily beneficial. And the ones that exist in animals certainly don’t belong in human beings.
Dr. Mikovits’ discoveries related to one of those animal retroviruses, xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), eventually led to her arrest in 2011. She was accused but never convicted of stealing research materials from the Whittemore Peterson Institute, where she worked at the time.
Dr. Mikovits claimed she was targeted after she uncovered some alarming data on XMRVs and their connection to cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which she published in 2009. Dr. Mikovits and her colleagues found XMRVs in 75% of 101 patients with CFS.
Dr. Mikovits now claims even further evidence of XMRVs being implicated in cancer, autism, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
In her best-selling book Plague, co-written with Kent Heckenlively, Dr. Mikovits exposes the horrifying truths she discovered were being covered up by our government and complicit doctors and scientists. Dr. Mikovits also chronicles how authorities tried to silence and ruin the careers of herself and others who tried to expose the truth.
It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies make billions, nor is it debatable that many politicians and other influential people accept vast sums of money from drug companies and other corporations to fund their campaigns. It’s not a stretch to believe that this whole system could become corrupt, but the level of corruption Dr. Mikovits and others allege is mind-boggling.
Regardless of where anyone stands on the ethical issues or medical risks associated with using animal and human fetal cell lines to produce vaccines, the inescapable problem with vaccines is their route of administration. We just shouldn’t be injecting ourselves with the remnants of any cells that don’t belong to us.
As Dr. Mikovits explains, the cell lines used in the development of vaccines can’t be separated from the final product, so we end up injecting cellular RNA, DNA, retroviruses, proteins, and fats along with the vaccine molecules.
All these elements can trigger autoimmune reactions in recipients. But most concerning of all is that the DNA and retroviruses could theoretically integrate into our own DNA. The most shocking implication of this would be the inadvertent integration of not just animal retroviruses but even animal DNA into human beings, creating what is referred to as chimeric organisms.
The truth is vaccines, and other pharmaceuticals are full of things that simply don’t belong in our bodies. No matter how much these vaccines are whitewashed or how many years their cell lines are removed from the original source, there are clear moral and health concerns we must all consider before using these products.
Unfortunately, none of these concerns are made transparent to the public. As Dr. Mikovits discovered, much of what goes on in vaccine production may even be nefarious.
Everyone in today's world, especially those who have already been vaccinated, should implement healthy lifestyle changes, which are the number one defense against any disease. Examples include eating an anti-inflammatory whole foods diet, sleeping regularly and well, exercising, proactively managing stress, getting regular sun, and improving real offline social connections.
At the same time, since our food is grown on depleted soils, everyone needs to seriously consider adding a regimen of powerful immune supplements.
And if something makes it past your immune defenses, it’s important to have proven prescription protocols on hand in case early treatment is required.
As always, stay vigilant, don’t believe everything you read, and remember that not everyone in the crosshairs of career assassins is guilty. What would someone like Dr. Judy Mikovits have to gain by lying or making these things up? Far from gaining anything, she ended up nearly penniless, crammed with her husband into a 700 sq ft apartment.
Dr. Mikovits is not alone in peeling back the deeper layers of these horrifying truths, and neither are you. Knowledge is power, and an informed public can much better protect itself against the malevolent interests of power and money-hungry corporations and governments.