A few days ago Project Veritas released another clip in their Pfizer expose that shows ex urology resident Jordan Trishtan Walker referring to the impact the Pfizer shot has had on women’s reproductive health.
In that segment Walker says:
“There is something irregular about the menstrual cycles. So, people will have to investigate that down the line ...
“The [COVID] vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that [menstrual cycles]. So, we don’t really know…
“I hope we don’t find out that somehow this mRNA lingers in the body and like -- because it has to be affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles…
“I hope we don’t discover something really bad down the line…
“If something were to happen downstream and it was, like, really bad? I mean, the scale of that scandal would be enormous.”
As I noted in the last Substack this mishmash of unprofessional sounding semi opinions strikes some people as odd emanating from the mouth of a trained MD, who is the “Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning” at pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, who purportedly reports to someone who reports to someone who reports directly to CEO Albert Bourla.
But at least now we’ve moved on from the sensational gain of function diversion to the meat of the problem with Pfizer and other “vaccine” manufacturers, which is the train wreck their shot has proven to be for population health.
Unfortunately this part of their expose has made a much smaller splash than the directed evolution bit released earlier.
The clip is not on Youtube of course, and even on Rumble it has less than 20% the views of the first video.
It also doesn’t reveal anything anyone paying attention doesn’t already know.
In fact it’s little more than a limited hangout, or half truth, because the whole truth is so much worse.
limited hangout: the deliberate revelation of some information (e.g. about malfeasance) to try to confuse and/or prevent discovery of other information. A modified limited hangout goes further, by slightly changing the information disclosed.
The whole truth as we know it now is that people are dying suddenly in droves, cancer rates are through the roof, disability and chronic disease are skyrocketing, and fertility rates are plummeting.
What is missing from that picture are the unknowns: we don’t know if that’s the end of it, we don’t know if the harm will be passed on to future generations (as it seems to be in mice), we don’t know just how bad it will get in the coming years.
Some hints are provided by Dr James Thorp, a gynecologist who has become an outspoken critic of vaccination in women.
He recently published an important preprint with Peter McCullough detailing the effects the shots are having on women’s health based on an analysis of VAERS data.
He points out in the discussion section that we knew from earlier research by Pfizer and others that the lipid nano particles spread throughout the body and especially concentrated in the ovaries where both the LNPs and the spike protein product they induced are inflammatory.
This led to concerns that the shots would interfere with reproductive health causing all manner of symptoms, and perhaps worst of all lead to a “Children of Men” scenario where fertility rates plummeted severely and the human race entered an extinction bottle neck where death rates remain permanently and irrevocably elevated above birth rates.
The first confirmatory data that such a scenario might actually be in the cards came as early as the 3 month followup study from Pfizer where it was shown that 81% (26/32) of pregnant women experienced a miscarriage, and 46% (124/270) of pregnant women experienced an adverse event.
This was covered up in plain sight (oxymoron, I know).
After this data came out Dr Thorp let me in on a chilling secret: he knew an ultrasound technician who could tell from imaging placental abnormalities which shot a pregnant women had received and even when she had received it.
Then last year multiple researchers around the world reported alarming, completely unprecedented drops in birth rates in those countries that track them in real time: a 23% drop in Taiwan, 20% drop in Hungary, 13% in Germany and 7% in Sweden (we can expect US data for last year the middle of this year, if it’s not delayed).
The plummeting birth rates started 9 months after the vaccine rollout in 2021.
Igor Chudov has multiple substacks on this topic, here’s one of his charts:
He points out that in Sweden we can’t blame lockdowns since they never locked down.
And most importantly these drops did not happen because of COVID, since birth rates were relatively stable in the second year of the pandemic.
In Hungary we have local county (not country) level data that shows a direct correlation between vaccine uptake and loss of fertility: those locales with the highest vaccination rates have the largest drops in fertility.
From Mr Chudov’s Substack on Hungary:
Observational studies from around the world show not only declining fertility but a dramatic rise in pregnancy complications including premature deliveries, stillbirths and neonatal deaths (up 3 fold in Israel).
The meat of Dr Thorp’s paper is a comparison of the rate of adverse events reported to VAERS post COVID shots with those historically reported after the seasonal Influenza shots:
Menstrual abnormalities were 1192X higher post COVID shot compared to rates recorded after the Influenza shots.
Miscarriages were 57X higher.
Fetal Stillbirth were 38X higher.
Fetal Growth abnormalities were 56X higher.
Cardiac Disorders were 16X higher.
Whistleblowers in hospitals in the US and Canada have also reported never before seen rises in stillbirths.
James Thorp, et al write:
“A crude calculation of the stillbirth rate possibly attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines could simply add about 2.5 stillbirths/1000 births to the baseline rate (~ 5.8/1000 births) for every 10% increment in pregnant women vaccinated. Thus if one has 10% of their pregnant women vaccinated then one could expect a rise in the fetal death rates from 5.8/1000 to 8.3/100 (5.8 + 2.5).”
The absolute numbers may appear low, but the statistical unlikelihood of this happening by chance is off the charts high.
In one California hospital a whistleblower reported 22 fetal deaths across 2 months, when the usual baseline is 1-2.
An even more stunning example comes from Canada where a hospital had 13 stillbirths in a single day, in the chart below they were assigned to a full week and still the deviation from the mean is 300 sigma which basically means we have left behind what we knew of the old reality and are entering a whole new universe of problems.
So just how bad is it?
Is rapid depopulation next?
Are we looking at an Extinction Level Event?
Peter Halligan ran some numbers and estimated that “It would take a fall of 85% in births PLUS an excess mortality rate of 400% to get to a 30% reduction in world population in ten years”.
Those are huge numbers.
We’re definitely not anywhere near there yet, so that’s encouraging.
We’re at between 7-25% drops in a single year in a handful of countries, and hopefully those drops will reverse to baseline as the effects of the shots wear off, and people stop taking booster doses (assuming the effects do wear off).
But, even before the shots we were headed for a demographic cliff because of declining birthrates worldwide.
Industrial societies just can’t handle as many babies as agricultural ones - they cost far too much to raise and don’t help out around the farm.
By the end of the century global population was likely already on track to be lower than it is today.
The higher range of the UN estimates in red below is a pie in the sky impossibility given birth rate trends.
The actual global population curve will likely fall somewhere between the yellow and green below:
Some even worried pre pandemic that due to habitat degradation (e.g. topsoils destroyed - I am not a climate change alarmist), low genetic diversity (due to prior near extinction events), and rapidly declining fertility (toxic chemicals, lack of sun, lifestyle changes, etc), we had already entered an extinction bottleneck from which humanity could never escape.
Whether that’s true or not, the end of history hasn’t come yet and if it does it will be after all of us are gone.
And humanity has recovered before from near extinction - apparently more than once over the 300,000 year plus history of the human race - some researchers believe that at some points we may have been down to as few as 40 couples, while others argue a few thousand.
These episodes may have coincided with various natural disasters like the Great Flood event that appears worldwide across many disparate cultures and religions and may have been in part due to the end of the last ice age leading to the melting of glaciers, or could have been a global deluge brought on by a comet impact, and earlier due to the Toba super volcano eruption around 70,000 years ago.
Regardless of what the future may hold we need to realize that we are in the midst of biblical levels of evil and carnage right now.
And what’s most important is to focus on what we can control: the chemicals and toxins we allow into our bodies, and the culture we allow into our minds and into the minds of future generations.
There is a culture of life that brought our civilization to where it is today, and a culture of death that would destroy it.
One definition of good everyone should be able to agree on regardless of religion is that which leads to the most human flourishing, while evil is that which diminishes it.
Good seeks to increase the number of human beings and help them attain the utmost self actualization, while evils seeks only to hasten on humanity’s death and spiritual destruction.
There are time tested systems of human culture, morality and organization that led to human flourishing on a grand scale over the previous centuries.
Their outcomes speak for themselves and we fiddle around with them at our own peril.
Ultimately what works for civilizations survives and what does not ends up an evolutionary dead end.
We are now in the early skirmishes of a long battle and the stakes are as high as they have ever been.
What we all do now will determine our eternal felicity or damnation and may make the difference between life and death for many in future generations.