I can’t believe I didn’t realize this sooner (perhaps because I decided these shots were a fools errand based on other lines of reasoning, but still it would have helped to convince others).
But what’s harder to believe is that so few experts raised the most fundamental objection there is to the mRNA shots for SARS-CoV-2.
Perhaps it betrays a lack of first principles thinking along with a blind follower mentality?
Or that the fog of fear spurred unjustified hope of salvation in elderly experts at higher risk of death?
Whatever it was it didn’t affect a Lasik surgeon.
I recently came across Dr Joseph Lee on Twitter.
He initially contacted the NIH by email in September of 2020 and eventually sent a followup 74 page letter explaining to Fauci and his lieutenants that the antibodies triggered by the mRNA shots had no pathway into the lungs, because of the blood lung barrier.
The blood lung barrier is similar to the blood brain barrier in that it blocks unwanted objects from crossing from the blood into the lungs or vice versa.
For example if water molecules could pass freely from the blood into the lungs our lungs would fill up with water and we would drown (as happens when the barrier is leaky in a bad case of pneumonia).
Also if air could pass freely from the lungs into the blood we would have gas bubbles in the bloodstream causing air embolisms (think stroke caused by a bubble instead of a clot).
The antibody triggered by the mRNA shots is hundreds of times larger than a water molecule, so it definitely cannot pass across the blood lung barrier into the area where the virus may be present infecting the cellular lining of the tiny air sacs of the lung.
Mini Airway Anatomy Lesson
The upper airway extends from the nose down into the pharynx and larynx while the lower airway extends from the trachea down into the chest and then branches to the right and left in the form of the main bronchial tubes ((singular “Primary bronchi” in the image below) and further branches into secondary and tertiary bronchi then into even smaller branches called bronchioles, then terminal bronchioles, and finally the respiratory bronchiole that branches into alveolar ducts which lead into the extremely tiny air filled sacs called alveoli.
The respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli are where gas exchange happens - where our cells absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
This is the region where the extremely thin, but strong barrier between the blood and the airspace exists.
It is made up of 3 structures in total: the type 1 pneumocytes lining the alveolus, the capillary endothelial cells lining the tiny blood vessels surrounding the alveolus and the basal lamina, or connective tissue, that lies between both of them.
The IgG (immunoglobulin subtype G) antibodies triggered by intramuscular “vaccines” circulate in the blood stream and cannot cross past the endothelial lining of the blood vessels and the basement membrane to where the virus may be present and infecting the pneumocytes.
But this story, as interesting as it is, bypasses what happens most of the time:
SARS-CoV-2 primarily infects our nasal passages and to a lesser extent the rest of the upper airway and it is far less likely to infect the lower airways and lungs, which is why most people don’t become severely ill or hospitalized with the infection, though stopping it in the nose depends on an adequate interferon response in the cells of the nasal lining.
The NIH response to Dr Lee seemed to focus on the upper airway.
One of Fauci’s deputies referred him to a single paper by Wagner et al from 1987 showing that when studying the rare subset of volunteers in whom IgG antibodies to the influenza antigen Hemagglutinin are found in the nose, those antibodies are likely to have passively diffused out from the blood.
However those antibodies are much smaller than the IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, so would be far more likely to diffuse out and no study has been done showing the same is possible for the COVID IgG antibodies.
But, how common is it for IgG antibodies to show up in the nose or lower airways to begin with?
The paper by Wagner only used volunteers who had already been shown to produce IgG antibodies in the airways - a tiny subset of most people.
Wagner’s paper cites another paper by Zahradnik, et al from 1983 where nasal washings and a lung washing called a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were used to assess the amount of IgG antibodies to hemagglutinin present in the nose and lungs (presumably diffusing from blood into that portion of the lungs without a blood lung barrier - ie the portion not involved in gas exchange).
This paper makes it very clear just how rare it is in a presumably random group of young and healthy volunteers for antibodies to be found in the nose or lungs after an intramuscular vaccination.
Only 3 out of 36 volunteers had neutralizing antibody in their lungs after an intramuscular vaccination, and 2 of those already had preexisting antibodies before the vaccination, which were simply boosted.
The chances of someone without any preexisting antibodies developing them in the lungs after the intramuscular injection were only 1/24 or 4%.
The likelihood of developing neutralizing antibody in the nose without a prior history of them being present was slightly higher at 3/24 or 12%.
Dr Lee reports that in another paper Wagner estimated that for a protein size of 100,000 daltons the amount that might be able to diffuse across from blood would be just 1%.
The COVID antibody is about 150,000 daltons in size.
But simply being present doesn’t mean there is a high enough concentration to have a clinical effect.
And remember these are 30-40 year old research papers on an antibody against the flu virus and a theoretical protein - both of which are far smaller than the COVID antibody.
The fact there is very little chance of any neutralizing antibody being found in the airways after an intramuscular injection is not surprising as everyone with even rudimentary training in immunology knows that intramuscular injections trigger IgG antibodies that are almost entirely located in the blood.
The mucosal antibodies our immune systems create in response to natural mucosal infections are primarily class A (IgA), not class G (IgG).
The way to trigger the creation of IgA mucosal antibodies which are present in the mucus that lines the upper and lower airways is to get infected naturally by a respiratory virus, or perhaps to create an inhaled vaccine.
So it should come as no surprise that Bill Gates, after selling his mRNA stock at 10X profit, is now pooh poohing the current slate of COVID shots and instead touting his next 10X venture: inhaled vaccines.

Now when I first heard this basic objection to the shots, I thought that perhaps those who created them focused on the antibodies for PR purposes, since everyone knows what an antibody is, and they are easy to test for.
Maybe the real goal was to trigger T cell immunity, which is also very important for controlling viruses?
For example the measles vaccine has been shown to trigger strong and long lasting T cell immunity.
Infected cells present foreign proteins on their surface. These are detected by previously primed T cells (trained by an earlier infection or vaccination) that then destroy them, preventing the further spread of the infection.
It may take just a hundred individual SARS-CoV-2 viral particles to trigger an infection, but our bodies have trillions of cells, and we turn over billions of cells every day, so if T cells are rapidly deployed and kill all infected cells we can easily sacrifice a few hundred or even a few million infected cells to prevent the spread of infection.
But the longer infection continues and the deeper it penetrates (into the lungs for example) the more difficult it is for T cell immunity alone to help us.
It’s estimated that each infected cell produces up to 100,000 virus particles that can infect up to 100,000 more of our own cells. So an infection that begins with 100 virions could escalate extremely fast without any constraints: 100 x 100,000 becomes 10,000,000 becomes 1,000,000,000, etc.
Thankfully natural physical constraints in addition to our immune system apply brakes to this exponential function and it’s been estimated that at the peak of infection we only carry between 1 billion and 100 billion viral particles.
But if the infected cells are in the lungs and get destroyed by T cells that leads to a breakdown of the blood lung barrier, which causes fluid to flood the gas exchange areas, decreasing our ability to absorb oxygen, which is what lands people in the ICU on oxygen and frequently, despite our best efforts, in the morgue.
Even if the shots were meant to stimulate T cell function, there is one not so small problem: a recent study in Nature showed T cell activity is actual diminished for up to 3 months after the booster shots due to repeated antigen exposure.
And even if stimulating blood borne IgG immunity was effective, we now know that the effective IgG3 subclass disappears with boosters to be fully replaced by the ineffective IgG4.
So no surprise that repeated vaccinations are now shown to make you more and more likely with each additional shot to catch COVID-19. And the supposed severe illness and death benefits do not exist either.
But we didn’t have to wait for all this evidence to pile up, if only Fauci and friends had listened to the warnings of Dr Lee and others in 2020 instead of decisively plugging their ears and going ahead with a foolhardy mass experiment on humanity.