Wall Street Journal Red Pilled: Vaxx Driving Variants & Vaxxed at Higher Risk
Only 2 years Behind The Curve
An “opinion” piece in the Wall Street Journal (aren’t all news articles opinion nowadays?) relays the 2 year old breaking news that COVID shots are likely driving a “pandemic of variants”.
Of course Geert Van Den Bossche has been warning of this from day 1 of the vaccine rollout, shouting it from the rooftops to whoever will listen, contacting the WHO, Gates Foundation, National Governments, Media outlets and doing his utmost to warn us away from the catastrophe which has been slowly unfolding over the last two years and is now picking up speed in what may soon become an apocalyptic scenario.
In a nutshell evolutionary pressure from the vaccinal antibodies floating around in the blood stream of at least 5 billion people for the last 2 years is exerting immune pressure on the virus causing it to evolve to evade those antibodies.
Also mentioned in the WSJ opinion piece are a phenomenon known as immune imprinting, which refers to the immune system essentially getting stuck on the strain it is first exposed to. This is a far bigger problem for the vaccinated since their immune systems are only trained on the spike protein. By way of contrast those who develop natural immunity have immune systems trained to recognize the whole virus and all of its proteins.
In the vaccinated when the virus evolves a sufficiently different version of the spike protein their immune response will no longer be adequate, and we’re now seeing this happen: a study out of the Cleveland Clinic shows that those with 2 shots are 2.4 times as likely to get sick with COVID as the never vaxxed and those with 3 shots are 3.7 times as likely. The immune system responses of the vaxxed are deteriorating.
In the unvaccinated even if the spike protein evolves to a new form, as it has, their immune systems will still be able to recognize and neutralize the virus.
The other reason the vaxxed are now doing far worse (in fact they are even being hospitalized and dying at much higher rates) is that their immune systems are being shifted from an IgG3 antibody response to an IgG4 antibody response.
What does that mean?
Basically the IgG3 antibodies are used by the immune system to target something for attack, like a red marker seen by an aerial drone.
IgG4 antibodies are used to mark something as benign - in other words a friend. Like a green marker seen by an aerial drone, which means “not dangerous, do not attack”.
IgG4 antibodies are usually used for possible allergens like pollen and peanuts. They are a normal immune label for something that is not dangerous and that you are not supposed to react to - which is why most people do not react to pollen and peanuts - unless their immune systems become abnormal, ie they have allergies.
With every shot the IgG3 antibodies created against COVID go down and the IgG4 antibodies go up. By shot number 3 there are essentially no IgG3 antibodies remaining, the entire immune response has shifted to IgG4, as you would expect when you constantly expose and re-expose the body to something. It begins to get used to it and realize that ‘hey this can’t be dangerous if it’s always around in the environment, I better get used to it and learn to live with it.’
That’s fine when it comes to pollen and peanuts, but when the vaxxed person gets infected with COVID, instead of attacking and killing the infected cells the body ignores them and allows COVID to run rampant, infecting cells all over the body, spreading into the organs and eventually leading to an overwhelming infection and inflammation due to spike protein toxicity.
All of this could have been prevented if we had listened to Geert Van Den Bossche and not censored scientists the world over. In private communications with Van Den Bossche he has made it clear that he was not the only one in the immunology community who believed the vaccine push would end up at this terrible juncture. Others agreed with him but were afraid to speak out due to the negative impact it would have on their careers. Articles that cautioned against vaccines were routinely rejected from journals, scientists who wrote them faced career ending censure from their colleagues and superiors, and there was a widespread media blackout so that their opinions were strictly corralled into the fringes of online discourse.
The correct course of action was early treatment and prevention. This pandemic could have been wiped out within weeks with aggressive ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine use in infected populations.
Even now we could turn back the tide if only we acknowledged effective off-label protocols.
It may be a current variant like XBB, or another one yet to arise that finally breaches the immune barrier currently keeping the virus out of the lungs of most people, but when that happens it will be game over for many unless they have early treatment meds on hand to start right away.