A 2018 article describes how Bill Gates at the time was predicting a coming pandemic which would kill 30 million people within 6 months. We know from the work of RFK Jr. in his book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, that Gates and Fauci began collaborating at that time, some would suggest planning for the coming pandemic.
Matthew Crawford at his excellent substack ‘Rounding the Earth’ has written that he was certain when the banking systems overnight “repo market” interest rates suddenly spiked in 2019 there would be some calamity brought forth to produce a controlled demolition of the global financial system and provide cover for a coming economic collapse that was at that point baked into the cake.
Along with most of us he didn’t have a global contagion event on his radar like Bill Gates, the DOD and perhaps the largest banks did.
However, a global pandemic was the perfect excuse for instituting lockdowns that brought the entire global economy grinding to a halt and allowed central banks to print previously unheard of amounts of monetary stimulus to provide one last gasp to a dying economy, one last chance for banksters and their friends to sell their assets at the top of a historic and unprecedented in scale and duration bull run from 2009 through the end of 2021.
Just 4 months before the pandemic hit, in late 2019, the infamous Event 201 took place, where an actual Coronavirus pandemic was war gamed out by participants around the world.
The 2018 and 2019 pandemic wargames allowed governments and NGOs to develop protocols, procedures and international recommendations like lockdowns and mandates. They also led to the development of social media censorship and use of influencers to increase vaccine adoption.
Then in March of 2021 during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there was a Monkeypox war game exercise, which appeared to have predicted the ensuing Monkeypox outbreak down to the very month. In the exercise the virus was released by a terrorist group on May 15th, 2022. In actuality the first case in the US was confirmed May 18th, 2022.
Monkeypox has now appeared to fizzle out, but later in 2021 Gates and company held another pandemic wargame called Catastrophic Contagion describing an epidemic enterovirus that primarily kills children.
One of the primary proposals from that exercise is that the world create a special supranational Pandemic Corps to spearhead “best practice” pandemic responses like lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing, social media censorship, mandatory school, mosque, church and synagogue closures, mandatory testing, and mandatory vaccinations pushed by 24/7 pandemic fear porn and influencer marketing.
None of these supposed best practices has any real science behind it. We’ve known for decades that these interventions don’t work against respiratory viruses.
Not only that they destroy economies, gut generational wealth and small and medium sized businesses, allow capital to be scooped up cheap by the robber barons and further concentrate wealth and power at the very top, while driving the poor and middle class into the dirt.
Deaths of despair are up including suicides and overdoses. Homicides are up as well. At the same time the real killer has been what was hailed as our savior - the mRNA injections. In the year after their rollout death rates went up an unprecedented 40% in working age groups. For some perspective a 10% rise is considered a once in 200 year event. We would expect nothing short of a once in many generations plague like the Black Death world to lead to an increase in deaths of that magnitude. By comparison what we are now seeing is closer to a once in a millennium World War on the young and healthy.
It’s abundantly clear that the pandemic planning being carried out in broad daylight is not driven by a desire to improve health or encourage any kind of human flourishing.
It’s time to demand Bill Gates step down from his unelected post as what appears to be the health czar of the world and to call for an end to the incestuous public private partnerships that have left our world in shambles.