There are a few excellent presentations from DR. Willie Soon Astrophysicist and a film,https://climatethemovie.net/

that kinda end all debate. there is no 'climate change' or rather, there has always been climate change. That is the weather.

I have not eaten beef but for seldom occasions since the mad cow disease. If we see the cows going op in the air like balloons, we will know something went wrong with this experiment, just like we see Sporters die like flies from a former experiment.

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If I may politely add.

And are and will keep dying from the former experiment.

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When realizing "warning" has the word war in it. :(

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An issue I must point out: the earth is, too, undergoing a present day magnetic pole shift which, in prior flips, caused much more than climate changing. AND THAT is, too, being used to advantage their mandate, keep the script, blame the heat while having us all still ignore (or be blinded by) THE SUN, which in conjunction, is too, flipping it's magnetic field. Suspicious0bservers is a great source to know.

Any questions? Ask.

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These people can’t think of enough ways to destroy us and everything on this planet. I detest them.

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They gotta stop with the freaking cows.

It’s not the cows it’s the disgusting factory farming!!

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Can't they just leave God's creation alone! In every area it has already been proven that produce, cattle, chickens, and pork - raised in natural environments without chemicals and pesticides are better for human consumption - following the science has caused nothing but disaster! Hopefully, RFK, Jr. will read your timely report!

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Ahh, but that's just the beauty of it --in their sick and pschopathic eyes. As I see it, the World is currently occupied by a criminal corrupt cabal intent on pretty much total genocide, for whatever reason. Of which I don't give a rat's ass the reason-- I just want their damn lights unplugged so we don't have to see or hear from them again.

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I love how they focus on the cows but all these politicians and celebrities jet around the world on their private planes. This makes 0 sense!

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Odd how the massive energy use from AI and bitcoin gets ignored. Hmmm

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Thank you for this excellent review of all the horrors associated with "what? another" pseudoscientific campaign to benefit humanity and the world we live on. Truth be told I could not bear to read the entire article at this point, as counting off the specific and multiple aspects of the scientific fraudulence personally raises an overabundance of bile to an unhealthy level. Nonetheless, your work here is appreciated for providing more evidence leading to the conclusion that the same bad actors who've sought to poison, maim, and plunder all the rest of us through all their other schemes, e.g., the bioweapon scamdemic, the food and financial industries, etc. ad nauseam, are one more time out to exploit all and any means to pursue their nefarious agenda. Damn them to Hell.

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It’s the WEF, or the Jews,

Or both. 🏳️‍⚧️🤔

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Looks like there are others with the same information: https://open.substack.com/pub/petersweden/p/your-milk-is-being-poisoned-now?r=jtqnk&utm_medium=ios

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These people, that are trying to change the natural order of things, are missing around with things they can never fully understand.

They must really believe they are more intelligent than God and they know better than the Creator himself.

Foolish thinking in my opinion.

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I used to think like you. But I'm now conviced the agenda is much more evil than merely foolish and arrogant do-goodism. These clowns are actually trying to fuck everything up on purpose. Whatever it is they seek to gain is not entirely rational, but their plan is certainly consistent and clear. And it has nothing to do with benefiting the human race. Please pardon my "french".

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Taking the big picture into account I couldn’t agree more.

“Frenching” everything up to gain control and power is definitely the name of the game.

Thanks for adding this important point to my comment. Well done and said!!

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Rather, to maintain control and power which was gained through distortion, coercion and blackmail using skewed, jaded science practices. All having been attainable via central bank-endorsed usury.

It started when dividing&conquering became "normal".

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Excellent point made !

Thanks for adding to the conversation.

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That’s PRECISELY what they believe

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Who can we contact with our concerns about this feed additive?

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Companies that sell beef and milk, eg your local supermarkets, farming cooperatives, Big Ag companies that contracts with or own the farms, congress.

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Thank you! Lots of contacting in my future!

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Unbelievable they will try to disrupt the natural digestion of cattle when this could be harmful to begin with

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