Eat like your ancestors, it got us here.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Another eye opening article to educate us to truth not manipulation. Thank you Dr Haider. Reading your articles bring freedom from the tyranny of government and/or elites!!!!! Fake meat being pushed. Inflation pushing people into cheap man made “food”.

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Thank you , wise words.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Yay for addressing this! People have become neurotic about food... and that alone will lead to poor health. When one sits to eat food, one should sink into calm gratefulness and think for a few minutes about how that food is going to sustain all the cells. That attitude alone can do much to overcome bad actors in food. Having cured meat once in awhile isn't going to be what causes bad health.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

The biggest problem that I see with eating meat is that it is among the greatest cause of suffering to other beings. People speak like it is just a choice and nothing bad either way. No, this is not the case. Animals suffer not only for meat but, also dairy. The suffering is horrifice and it is 24/7. Dairy, which seems so benign to many people--is not for the animals. Please check out the many sites that tell the truth and show videos. I believe, as many do, that pain and suffering is the worst thing on this planet and, many, if in enough pain, would just choose to end it all. Well, animals do not have that choice. We have imprisoned them in our factory farms and they suffer even on the smallest farm operations. (Impregnated again and again and their babies taken away so that we can drink their milk!). This is an ethical choice. We are not doing the humane things for other beings--this is their planet too--not just ours.

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Many animals are kept in despicable conditions, and people should know what industrial animal husbandry looks like. The animal's misery changes it's physiology and meat and affects the people who eat it. Anyone who is particularly sensitive or who has a psychiatric issue like depression or anxiety may want to look to the quality of the animal husbandry if they're consuming animal products, as well as who cooks their food. It is clear that water has memory - Dr Luc Montagniere published on this just a few years ago before he passed away - and that is probably just the tip of the iceburg.

Anyway this is just an indictment of inhumane animal husbandry practices, not an argument against meat in general. You can find ethical small sustaniable farms that treat animals well. You'll pay more and may be able to afford less, but it would be worth it.

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Most animals used for meat and dairy are kept in large factory conditions by big Ag, the smaller farms are the minuscule numbers (not to mention that small farms are now being targeted). Also, animals raised on small farms, even if given humane treatment still have to undergo the loss of their babies (milk only for humans!) and go through other practices that cause pain (no painkillers--too expensive!). Then, if they are loved by some kind-hearted humans and/or their children--they are betrayed and slaughtered along with, usually, Big Ag's slaughtered animals. But, of course, the worst is done by Big Ag factory farms, as you say, and this is the meat that most people are eating. BTW, they are eating hormones, antibiotics, blood, urine, feces, cancerous tumors--as well as the terror that the animals suffer.

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Your sick in the head. Domesticated animals would not exist if humans didn’t need them. Stop treating them like pets . Growing plants for food kills more wild animals than you can count.

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free range chickens happy. my parents and large family were able to survive bec of eggs and chickens when they stopped laying bec and milk from goats or cows, cheese. most cannot grow enough food to feed themselves nor store over winters. Amish life not easy but eating dairy or animals is needed to not go exinct. this is why so many die of malnutrition, especially in poorest areas.

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No concern at all for the suffering of other beings. How would you like to be brought into this world to have your babies taken away? Would you like to trade places with these chickens? Of course not--nobody would unless they enjoy suffering. So many selfish humans.

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You do realize free range chickens get eaten by hawks and foxes ,coyotes , fisher cats etc do you not? Its the cycle of life, .nature, .If people didnt create chicken coops for the chickens to sleep at night, there would be no chickens, why are you against eating eggs? if not , then how are you going to collect eggs? selfish? probably words from a priveledged, wellhoused, well fed, financially secure, clothed person. my family? no electricity, no running water, no indoor plumbing, had an out outhouse the chickens fed on our waste, my mother washed our clothes in the river, walked 5 miles with basket of potatoes on her head to sell at local market .. to exchange for wheat to make pasta. eating one egg for breakfast carried us especially in winter, many babies died back then bec mothers malnourished no breast milk or even enough cows milk, lucky babies found wet nurses, my sister was wet nursed when my moms milk dried up, no breast pumps back then either. survived and thrived on cows or goats milk, .kidst did not thrive without dairy. they were skinny weak..we need to get back to nature. real food variety, ps back then zero poison vaccines. those are the oldest alive today no vaccines no illness, like the amish.

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Haha, you made me laugh--no, I am not privileged at all. I did not grow up struggling either. You sound genuine and I agree with some of what you say. I try to do the best I can with what I have. I believe that we are being poisoned from every angle. Our water, air, food. People take pills, vaccines and follow what Western Medicine tells them to do. If your doctor says to do it--it must be right--so many think. I know that just surviving is so difficult for so many and so much is corrupt, unfair etc. I just don't want to live off the backs of animals--any of them. This is where they are born too and they have NO say in any part of their lives. They are completely helpless and don't have a voice to speak out against their treatment (although, they do the best they can with what they have). They suffer pain and try to enjoy their lives just like humans. Everywhere they are--they are exploited. We think we have the right to do whatever we want to them and they have no say whatsoever. I think we need to share this planet with them, be their guardians and help them whenever we can. Sometimes, that just means leaving them alone.

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cats dogs did not sign up to be anyones pet either..captured and caged in homes and leashed forced to eat what given to them, trained to behave against their nature, some declaud never let outside...people are replacing children and other humans with pets.

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I agree that they did not ever agree to this also. Many people buy animals that are bred (even though cat and dog population is completely out of control). Again, I agree with almost everything that you are saying. The tragedy is that cats/dogs are now trapped with us in this 'civilization' and many are starving and struggling to stay alive in horrible circumstances (that humans have put them in!). I have rescued cats (and a few dogs) that were put out on the streets or left to die painfully. If people cared enough to spay/neuter them--so many would not be born into a life to suffer under humans.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

I personally have to avoid meats that have nitrates, errhobates. The natural curing with celery is ok or the uncured meats.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

much food for thought! also, ancestrally when meat was cured, it was done so for a duration, where the magnitude of nitrates had dissipated to benign levels. today with industrialized food, the shorter the curing time, the bigger the profits. hence yielding a lower quality of options for the consumer that doesn’t do their own curing…my biggest irritation is the Ansel Keyes cherry picked mediterranean diet garbage study where they interviewed only men, during lent, when they had all given up meat for the duration. Most of the mediterranean eat much more meat than is suggested, along with a lot of movement and community…the other great impacts on health and longevity.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

I’m always blown away by your articles because they challenge my beliefs that I’m not entirely sure how I got in the first place! There’s nuance here - love how you point that out. Thanks so much Dr Haider! I’ll stop griping at my family about nitrates now but not about grass fed humanely treated cows!😉

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Jul 12Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

So, Dr. Haider...What is your take on the large growing # of people with histamine reactions to aged beef & leftovers? It seems that since the co19 scam, the # of people with histamine food reactions is off the charts. (In addition to mast cell activation disorder).

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This has been a growing problem for a long time. Avoiding the problematic foods is a short term sidestepping of the underlying issue. People can heal from this and go back to tolerating histamine containing foods. Until then avoidance may make sense. Another avenue might be gradually increasing exposure.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Curiously look up the antidote to cyanide poisoning 😉

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