Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Thank you for this essay. I like to sit in the early morning sun and read, but I need glasses to do that. It sounds like it might be better for mento ditch the glasses for these sessions?

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You should be able to get glasses that allow full spectrum light through, either plastic or quartz glass can accomplish this. As for the corrective effect it’s like a crutch if you avoid it usually and get plenty of sun your vision may actually improve or at least stop worsening. People have experienced both.

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Try looking at the sun just after sunrise or just before sunset when the light isn't too strong. You'll find you don't need corrective lenses and it will change your perspective.

btw thank you Syed Haider for the article, it surviving off sun and air may be beyond the overton window for most people but humanity will get there someday, just like we were there one day far in the past.

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Thanks for the note. I hadn’t come across your work before, read a few of your articles and followed you now.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Thanks. I love chlorophyll hemoglobin similarity. Same of the vit D mech of action. PS my beatiful black walnut tree is not well. The leaves look like little drops of acid have been sprayed all over them and it's not producing walnuts anymore. Been like this for past 3 years. Chemtrails? Tree end of life cycle? Don't know. My first time not gardening in 26 years. Hardly anything would grow for last 3 years. Very dissapointing. Suspect air, city water, or supplemental purchased compost - most suspect - upon amending soil became hard as bricks and hasn't improved.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Thank you for the life earth lesson this morning. I’m rocking in a chair outside a big old western bar in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming this morning, just sipping a hot cuppa coffee and soaking in the sun. I took a long walk without sunglasses or sleeves. I’ve been doing that all summer plus walking barefoot as much as possible. I’m using my outdoor sauna frequently and planning on buying a plunge pool! This is the best I’ve felt in ages. I am easily tanning , I had forgotten that because I’ve been covered for so many years. Your information is what my mother taught me, you’ve reminded me. She was born in 1918 and had valuable information that I cherish . I attended the funeral of an old cowboy yesterday. The facility was filled with ranchers. My big take away from Yesterday’s crowd was that there were so many in their 80s and 90s still working on their ranches and still getting around well. Most with suntanned arms and faces and living life from sun up to sundown. A good lesson for all of us. I’m lifting my cup to all of us, may we adhere to to do right by our bodies.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

I loved reading this, thank you.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Great article Syed. Well done! I’ll be sharing and caring. 😁

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Thanks for making these intricate topics easy to understand ..and also bringing them to light.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Interesting essay! Thank you! May I mention to all the Lilly Whites to spend time outside on cloudy days too. Some of my best tans happen on cloudy days when I’m sitting by the lake or doing yard work. I can be outside longer, get my work done or read a book, and not feel like the sun is just beating me down. From cloudy to partly cloudy to partly sunny to sunny! Enjoy!!

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Though this is true on an esoteric level, most people would have problems getting their bodies to tolerate little or no eating. Esoterically, the being (Spirit) is fully capable of keeping the body alive, even a biological body. It is also the ultimate source of growth and healing.

But I would be happy with a broader awareness that we are spiritual beings. Recovering our spiritual abilities is a process that more people should go through, but for most it will take more than just more sun or a change of diet.

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I agree this was more food for thought to get people to start opening up to some of the weird and wonderful physical realities we are discovering that led some credence to ancient ideas. Full on breatharianism is a whole other level.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Breatharians !!!


I worked with a man years ago that believed in this way of life and he lived it. When we traveled together he would tell me about it and how and why he believed it worked. I thought at the time it was a little strange but it was very interesting. Never ran across any one since then that believed the same and that was over 40 years ago.

Over the last few years I have often wondered how many things we have been told and taught is not really how it is at all.

I personally do believe the Lord has given us everything we need. After all He created us. For us to mess around and try to create and change things we don’t completely understand is ultimately going to be destructive.

Just my personal experience and opinion of it from my vantage point.

Great article to give us some things to ponder on.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

As someone who's dealt with melanoma of the eye, this is difficult information to absorb. I'm pretty terrified to go anywhere without sunglasses as someone with light-colored eyes (well, eye, singular, since last year; I'm pretty sure the newer prosthetic one doesn't care about the sun, lol) now, not to mention "lilly-white" skin — my ancestors are mostly British and I live in the southern US. The sun feels like it's literally assaulting me down here in the summer months. So much closer to the earth than the northern US where I used to live. I currently use a mineral sunscreen if I'll be outside during the middle of the day.

I do enjoy laying on the hammock on my deck in the morning with coffee before the sun gets over the tree line in the backyard to get in as much AM sun and outdoorsy air as I can before it's too much for me, though.

Your essay gave me a lot to think about!

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I would keep going down the light, water and quantum biology rabbit hole, used to just be Dr Jack Lruse pounding this drum but now many people are talking about this on YouTube. Jack Kruse is hard to understand but the linked essay is one of his easier ones and discusses the eye. Mileage may vary in the early years after quitting seed oils, because many people are still very prone to burning when their cells are packed with those.


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Thanks for the information and link! I'll look into it for sure.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

This breakdown of how breatharism operates is very helpful. Thank you. I've been interested in this practice for many years - and with today's food prices, it may be the perfect time to try it out !

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I think there are levels to it. Jack Kruse talks about other more esoteric energy systems that may be available to humans, something regarding magneetic monopoles, and other unnamed possiblities as well. It's hard enough for most people to transition from burning carbs to burning fat/ketones, and it's probably exponentially harder to transition to higher and higher direct energy sources.

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Jul 30Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

THESE WORDS you put together for humanity… building on the foundations laid long before us -and buried- waiting for you to dig them out and decrypt them… ARE photons themselves, creating the most beautiful, mysterious and exciting effect over and through everyone of us who consumes them.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

We read this out loud - a very good Sunday morning sermon, Dr Haider, thank you!

We've never purchased a sunscreen in our lives and I don't think any of our 5 adult children have either, for their families.

I will confess, while raising them, I used to threaten them with becoming Breatharians when I got tired of cooking.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Interesting read, I think I’m gonna go eat a steak, for energy of course ✌️

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Extremely interesting! Thank you for this information. Do you have any quantum insight on the effects of chemtrails nano technology affecting our bodies, environment ie. Soil, water, air, sunlight, and the other comentors Black Walnut Tree which famously known to contain parasite remedy for parasites through Juglan. See the late Dr. hulda Clark research. Notable that this tree is being targeted. Humph?

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I don’t know much about this and don’t know where to get unbiased accurate information on it, but if the spectrum of light is being altered by geo engineering or anything else then this will disrupt our quantum biology and circadian rhythms. Any toxins that enter our bodies from any source can significantly disrupt our cellular functioning. In the modern world we have no choice but to actively and continuously support detox eg with agents like chlorella.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

I am without a doubt, a Fitzpatrick I skin type. Played a ton of golf as a youth and always slathered on the sunscreen at my mom’s behest. Intrigued by your information. I have quite a bit of “sun damage” resulting in multiple spots of actinic keratosis. I’ve done the topical local treatments on occasion with some spots being burned off with cryotherapy, but keep putting it off thinking there has to be a better way. Are there any known effective treatments for actinic keratosis, other than what the dermatology regime recommends?

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Actinic keratosis is thought to be caused by UV damage, and more prevalent in lighter skinned people so although Jack Kruse can probably answer this better my assumption is that you haven’t built a proper baseline tan so your skin is too susceptible to UV damage, and you probably don’t get adequate early morning and late afternoon sun to modulate the UV damage. Sunscreen probably isn’t being applied adequately to block UV and prevent the damage - studies show most of the time this is the case. I would limit artificial light as much as possible, regularly get sun throughout the day, assiduously avoid seed oils, get the right nutrients, build up a tan, avoid sunscreen til you do (since it’s toxic) - rather cover your skin with clothing if you need to go into the sun and you’re still too sensitive to burning.

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Thanks so much for the rely. Have already eliminated seed oils and will do a bit more reading and follow through on other points mentioned. I appreciate you sharing your knowldege and thoroughly enjoy your substack writings.

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How do you get an answer to my question? I am a paid subscriber?

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I replied above.

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