Hercules & the Immortal Head of the Hydra: Testing, Treatment, & Detox of the Spike Protein Is No Easy Task
Spike testing, clearance, integration & reemergence, anti-idiotype antibodies, and prion-like domains
The Hydra was a legendary serpentine water monster with multiple heads that Hercules fought in ancient Greek mythology. When one of its heads was cut off, two more grew back in its place.
This terrifying beast has found a modern-day equivalent in the form of the spike protein and its knock-on effects..
It’s difficult enough to rid yourself of the spike protein in the first place, but even if you do, the second head of the Hydra is a special type of antibody that your own body creates that mimics some of the spike proteins harmful effects.
And if you can deal with that the final head of the Hydra is even worse - just like the original legend where the central head was immortal, this last aspect of the spike protein may be essentially unkillable and even self-replicating and therefore require ongoing lifestyle change and/or treatment to keep it at bay in a never ending battle of attrition.
There are clinical labs in Germany that routinely test for free spike protein (e.g. IGL Labs) and mRNA in the blood in order to help Long Haulers and Vax injured track their recoveries.
Here in the US the closest we get is at Incelldx where you can test for the S1 subunit of spike that is taken up by abnormal monocytes, but that’s probably a good secondary marker, since you would expect if there is free spike there would also be the fragments in monocytes.
In any case you should also assume you have a spike problem if you have been chronically ill and have had trouble healing with the protocols, if you were vaccinated in the last two months, if you have access to viral PCR testing of blood or stool and it is positive, or if you have ACE2 antibodies (more on this later).
Dr Florian Schilling in Germany reports that occasionally in cases that had fully recovered, the mRNA and spike protein levels inexplicably rise again and symptoms return. The same can occur with the S1 fragment in monocytes.
There are at least three possibilities here: either the patient developed an occult COVID-19 infection or the genetic material of the virus or the shot integrated into their DNA and was re-expressed, or it integrated into the DNA of their gut microbiome bacteria and then was re-expressed.
For the uninformed the prospect of foreign genetic material integrated into our own DNA seems horrifying.
I am frequently asked if those to whom this might occur would even be human anymore (yes, they would).
Generally speaking our immune system can deal with foreign genetic material that integrates into our DNA because this is a relatively common occurance - for example nearly everyone carries Epstein Barr virus in their DNA - the immune system just identifies it and suppresses its expression, which means it doesn’t get converted into mRNA, or proteins.
But, like a Trojan Horse, this foreign genetic material could be a ticking time bomb, waiting for the right moment, when you get overstressed, or just get older and your immunity wanes briefly or permanently.
In that case the inactive “provirus” genetic material becomes a live virus, or in the case of spike mRNA is used to simply create the spike protein, which is bad enough, since it’s so toxic.
But with fragmentary genetic material such as the mRNA or DNA in the COVID shots that only codes for a small piece of the virus - the spike protein - it is unlikely to integrate in any meaningful way into a human or bacterial cell because it has no supportive framework to tell it where to integrate or to help it be expressed.
Even if one of our own cells could and did express it and went on to create spike protein, that cell would then be targeted and destroyed by the immune system.
Two caveats though: number one, some of our cells are immune privileged, which means they are so important they can do whatever they want and not be policed by the immune system. These include the cells of our eyes, testes, brain, and placenta (not the ovaries - the testes are immune privileged because sperm mature at puberty after the bodies immune system has learned to distinguish what is self and non self, so it considers sperm non self and would attack them unless they were protected, however egg cells are present at birth so the immune system learns to recognize them and they don’t require the same protection).
In immune privileged tissues people can harbor viruses like Ebola for many months after they first got infected, and the same may be the case for COVID-19 - obviously no one is doing biopsies of those tissues in living patients - but one small study showed presence of COVID-19 in the sperm of about 26% of actively infected men and about 8% of those who had recovered.
Second caveat: if somehow a bacterial cell in the lumen of our gut expressed viral or vaccinal proteins, that cell might not be destroyed either since it exists outside our body proper and is not subject to our immune system.
We know from Kevin Mckernan’s work that the mRNA shots are contaminated with the DNA plasmids used in lab Ecoli as templates for the mRNA. Those DNA plasmids are coded to enter the nuclei of Ecoli cells that most people and animals also carry in their gut.
So the question is how do you prevent the spike from causing damage by binding the ACE2 receptor and how do you finally get rid of the spike, then if it does show up in the future, evidenced by a recurrence of symptoms, how do you do it all over again?
NAC 600-1500mg disrupts the normal conformation of the spike protein.
Nattokinase 2000-4000 FU daily enzymatically chops up the spike protein.
Ivermectin 0.2-0.6mg/kg/day binds to spike and prevents its interaction with ACE2 receptors.
Bromelain 500mg daily helps digest the spike protein.
Polyphenols like Resveratrol 500mg daily, Curcumin 500mg daily, Black Seed 1300mg daily, Dandelion 400mg daily (and black pepper extract 50 mg to improve absorption) trigger autophagy which helps the body clear out the spike protein and also dampen the inflammation and oxidative effects caused by rampant spike protein as well as help with microclotting which is likely also occuring.
There are a number of other supplements that can help modualte the problems triggered by spike that I’ve listed here, and I usually recommend taking all of them, but the most important are also marked in the document.
So all of that was the Good.
Now for the Bad:
Your body makes antibodies to the antibodies to spike (yes you read that right: antibodies to antibodies - so can we also develop antibodies to those, and again to those, in an infinite regression?!? No…at least I don’t think so), which just like the spike protein itself can bind the ACE2 receptor and trigger inflammation.
William Murphy wrote about this in the NEJM here:
This aspect of regulation of immune-cell responses was postulated by Plotz in 1983 as a possible cause of autoimmunity arising after viral infection5 and has since been supported experimentally by direct transfer of anti-idiotype antibodies. Ab2 antibodies generated against the enterovirus coxsackievirus B3 in mice can bind myocyte antigens, resulting in autoimmune myocarditis,6 and anti-idiotype responses can act as acetylcholine receptor agonists, leading to myasthenia gravis symptoms in rabbits.7 In addition, by displaying the mirror image of the viral antigen, Ab2 alone can even mimic the deleterious effects of the virus particle itself, as has been shown with bovine viral diarrhea virus antigen.8
For SARS-CoV-2 infection, attention centers on the spike (S) protein and its critical use of the angiotensin-converting–enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor to gain entry into the cell. Given its critical role in regulating angiotensin responses, many physiological effects can be influenced by ACE2 engagement.9 The S protein itself has a direct effect on suppressing ACE2 signaling by a variety of mechanisms and can also directly trigger toll-like receptors and induce inflammatory cytokines.10 Anti-idiotype responses may affect ACE2 function, resulting in similar effects.
So even if you’re body does stop making spike protein, it may not stop making spike antibodies, or more importantly the antibodies to those antibodies, which can cause some of the same problems as spike, though thankfully not all of them (the ugly is coming next).
We don’t yet have a way of directly targeting production of antibodies to antibodies (technically anti-idiotype antibodies).
It’s like a stealth version of an autoimmune disease.
In typical autoimmune diseases your body mistakenly creates antibodies to your own tissues which tag them with a big red X so your immune system zeroes in to attack those tissues directly.
But in this case the antibodies are acting like drugs that bind the ACE2 receptor, and unfortunately that receptor is an inflammatory gatekeeper. The resulting out of control inflammation is what harms you.
ACE2 is normally activated to down regulate the inflammatory angiotensin II molecule that raises blood pressure and triggers inflammation. When SARS-Cov-2 binds the receptor it blocks that normal anti inflammatory activity.
Similarly when the anti-idiotype antibodies bind the ACE2 receptor it likely has the same effect.
Thankfully if this is happening then the answer is probably once more ivermectin - because as mentioned earlier it binds the specific piece of the spike protein that is shared by the anti-idiotype antibodies - the receptor binding domain - the part that interacts with the ACE-2 receptor. So if it recognizes that park of the Spike protein it should just as well recognize the same domain on the anti-idiotype antibody and prevent it from binding to ACE2.
Now for the Ugly.
Probably the most frightening aspect of the spike protein is the mad cow disease reminiscent, CJD-triggering (?) prion like domains (CJD is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease).
Prions are proteins that cause other proteins to misfold so they can’t fulfil their proper functions, and then those misfolded proteins themselves go on to cause other proteins they come in contact with to misfold, ad infinitum, or at least until the “infected” individual drops dead.
The way we currently understand prions is that they are like the bite of a zombie: you have to avoid being bitten at all costs, because once it happens it’s all downhill from there and there’s no stopping it.
In other words there is no known cure for prion diseases.

Before his untimely death Nobel prize winning scientist Luc Montagnier was helping co-author a paper discussing 26 cases of a new rapid onset form of CJD developing shortly after COVID shots:
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the formerly rare but universally fatal prion disease in humans, normally progresses over several decades before it leads to death. In the Appendix to this paper, we highlight the presence of a prion region in the spike protein of the original SARS-CoV-2, and in all the “vaccine” variants built from the Wuhan virus. The prion region in the spike of SARS-CoV-2 has a density of mutations eight times greater than that of the rest of the spike, and, yet, strangely that entire prion region disappears completely in the Omicron variant. In the main body of our text, we present 26 cases of Creuzfeldt-Jacob Disease, all diagnosed in 2021 with the first symptoms appearing within an average of 11.38 days after a Pfizer, Moderna, or AstraZeneca COVID-19 injection … (the “vaccines”) have probably also caused a (sic) many other cases that have gone undiagnosed because of their rapid progression to death.
Hercules initially had great trouble battling the Hydra. Every time he chopped off one head two more grew back from the wound.
But his nephew Iolaus finally figured out how to prevent that by cauterizing the cuts before the heads could sprout up.
But the central head was still immortal and had to be buried in a deep pit where no one would ever find it.
The prion aspect of spike is like that immortal head, unfortunately it’s even worse and we can’t just bury it. It continually multiplies itself in a way by creating more prions and we may just have to keep beating it back indefinitely.
The good news is that it is now thought common neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are also caused by prions, and there is actually some evidence that Alzheimers can be reversed with a functional/lifestyle medicine protocol, at least in the early stages, so presumably the body, when it’s function is optimized, may be able to hold these prions in check.
And there are some possible therapies in development which could help destroy prions.
But until we hopefully have those cutting edge therapies is there anything we can do aside from prayer and optimizing lifestyle?
Yes: nattokinase (and possibly bromelain) mentioned above can breakdown the atypical amyloid proteins that are triggered by spike protein.
Nattokinase is very safe and has been used for years. Even though it can break up microclots, it is not a blood thinner per se, and there is no evidence of harm as there is with aspirin, which frequently causes gastric ulcers.
As always optimizing lifestyle factors will always help no matter that the problem is. When your environment and inputs/outputs are optimized you are better able to deal with any problems that arise in your body. It pays to begin trusting that innate bodily wisdom to do whatever job needs doing.
For example what you eat and when you eat can have anti inflammatory effects. How well you sleep can affect how well your brain drains harmful substances and how well your body beats back damage and recovers from it. Fasting triggers autophagy and especially helps drain harmful substances from the brain. Near infrared light present in sunlight throughout the day can boost mitochondrial energy production, which is also often negatively impacted by the spike protein. Since mitochondria make the universal bioenergy molecule ATP, optimizing those powerhouses in your cells will help everything work better. Heat and cold therapies can also trigger autophagy clean up crews and have other powerful antiinflammatory benefits.
This war happening inside our bodies can seem overwhelming at times, but in each of us there is a hero like Hercules and a clever helper like his cousin Iolaus, we just need to tap into those sides of ourselves and following our intuition with a bit of help we can gain victory over seemingly insurmountable odds.
In any war things go best when you prepare yourself, get a good general, regiment your lifestyle, keep track of your progress and be patient - it may be a quick win or a long drawn out campaign.
Where theres a will theres a way and I would venture to guess there is actually more than one way back to health.
Let me know in the comments if you’ve used any of the above or something else to help clear out the spike protein and if you did any testing.
Thank you for your generous sharing of your work!!
It time to round up the actors, prosecute them, and hang them on a live feed to all media platforms so this behavior stops and is never attempted again! This virus and the associated novel vaccines are bioweapons! Thank you Doc for all the good and helpful info!