Jul 23Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Great post! Thank you! I learned alot about the microbiome and autoimmune disease. It is all so complex. I like your analogy of the intimate dance partners. You have a respectful attitude toward the body which I appreciate.

What are your thoughts about the need for Vitamin D in the northern hemisphere in the winter? I have never been a Sperti lamp user but that appears to be a good option. I am inclined to think that living in the South is the best answer where your body can produce Vitamin D year round . I have seen studies showing significantly less autoimmune disease where the sun is strong year round. But, in any case we have to get outside into the sun during the day and from my observations most people in the South and in the North don't do that. People are very still afraid of the sun and even when in the sun are heavily sunscreened and covered up. Also the older we get the more time in the sun we need to make the same amount of Vitamin D.

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I think it’s a complicated question. If you’re healthy and tour ancestors are from the North and you get enough in the summers and eat fatty fish in the winters you’re probably doing what you were designed to do. If you’ve spent your whole life indoors and last summer as well then maybe you need some help. If you’re a southerner transplant you might not do well, but if you were really healthy I’m sure you could overcome the mismatch and adapt to the new environment. It’s just most people aren’t that healthy to begin with, even those who feel they’re in tip top shape have much less resilience than our ancestors due to so much toxicity from the environment.

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That makes sense. Thank you. Alot of factors to consider.

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Jul 24Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

Timely post! Have you read The Cancer Resolution: Cancer reinterpreted through another lens by Mark Lintern? Long book but I'm enjoying his perspective - namely that fungi could account for the entire cancer thing. He posits that a lot of what is accepted dogma isn't necessarily so regarding tumor behavior, oxidants and anti-oxidants.... that they are there for a reason. I'm keen to see if he talks about what biopsies may do if his premise holds true - spread things or doesn't matter. I'm debating this whole colonoscopy event I'm told smart people endure ;)

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I hadn’t heard of the book, thanks for the tip.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Free on kindle unlimited. If you do get time to read it I'll be looking forward to it spawning a substack post. :) From some of your cancer healing suggestions/info I think they may be anti fungal and fit into this guy's research.

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It is time we shift from an either/or mindset to an and/all approach, embracing a broader and more inclusive range of possibilities. There is too much emphasis on a single theory or hypothesis, which is given undue importance by authors. Any intelligent doctor never takes any hypothesis for granted but at the same time ensures that causes and treatments are not confined to one hypothesis approach. Instead, these theories are parts of a much arger puzzle, not the sole cause or basis of treatment. We must explore every avenue in addressing what is aptly termed "The Emperor of All Maladies." In short, I have encountered this perspective, but it is only one piece of the entire equation. It is certainly the cause in many individuals, but not necessarily in everyone.. Moreover, proper cancer resolution cannot be limited to physical aspects alone; it must also address electromagnetic, mental, emotional, intellectual, willful, and spiritual dimensions for long-term resolution.

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Great post as always along with your previous cancer post regarding the underlying issue. Thank you 😊

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24Liked by Dr. Syed Haider

OMG Dr. Syed Haider

You are such a brainiac, an excellent wordsmith, and you can so easily think outside of the box. (No easy skill in today's world)

You are right that this article may be too long, and I say, also perhaps too complicated (for most ) with numerous confounding factors.

Absorption as just one example, is and always has been the biggest confounding factor of most Orthomolecular and Naturopathy topics for decades. We have come a long way with brilliant doctors establishing four categories of individual absorption.

Healthy absorption, Deficient, Dependant, and the worst category = Resistant Absorption.

Worse, and the confounding reasons and science even behind individual human absorption are many and complex from genes/SNPs, microbiome, and rusty receptors and transporters, or "rate limited" uptake via past long deficiencies.

Perhaps, Dr. Syed - a book is needed.

And this comes from ME LOL, and I thought in was a vitamin D expert or at least in the top 1 percent of well educated on D.

My policy is always ASK THE question of medicine or science to the WORLD's best experts.

But as you point out this is NO easy topic .

Having studied or listened to/from Dr. Robert Clacy (famous immunologist and global expert on the new era of gut immunolgy) and brainiac Dr. Cicero Coimbra (the Coimbra protocol of massive vitamin D doses for things like MS ALS and auto immune) I actually , I STILL got a lot out of this great FEATURE .

My favorite quote to remember from your words is "ESCAPING the matrix" Boy this too is challenging in a brainwashed world.

Yes, thankfully a new era and more critical outside the box thinkers (like Dr. Syed)/are indeed needed in medicine.

Thank you Dr. Syed, for this brilliant and detailed expose

Remember we are ALL unique and although our 20,500 genes have commonality, we have tens of millions of unique SNP (gene mutations or polymorphism)

Here is one of my favorite vitamin D links (below) that I often send to open minded asking questions .

Now, I will have to link also to this fine post by Dr. Syed Haider.

Best in health.


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Was diagnosed 4 years ago with Lupus (although my symptoms are more similar to “sjogrens”— I don’t get any sort of rash or joint pain- mainly sore/tense muscles and widespread dryness and had a positive ANa test that was speckled.) Been on hydroxychloroquine ever since and take a vitamin D supplement every night. So this caught me off guard and was very intriguing. All that to say, you advise no longer taking vitamin D nor the hydroxychloroquine ?

Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge- it’s so appreciated!

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I wish he would reply to this comment

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Topic of interest: Richard Semelka, MD discusses hypothesis of gadolinium deposit on better. Health guy podcast

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Love this!! Such great info... I was curious about the optimal level of vitamin D. I read the except from Albert, Marshall and Proal's book that said that "blood-borne 25-D must be kept below the consensus immunosuppressive level of approx- imately 50–60 nmol/L (20-25 ng/ml) to optimize innate immune function and overall health."

Recently, I went to a biologic dentist (a couple, in fact), who told me they wanted my vitamin D levels above 80 for an infected root canal tooth extraction. I explained that my storage D25 was on the low end at 32, but I had tested my active 1,25 and it was about 71. Both said they could go with the D 1,25 number, but optimal levels would be more like 80-100.

One of these bio dentists is Swiss Biohealth trained and worked with Dr. Klinghardt and other prominent natural doctors. He said when he does an extraction, you can expect the patient's vitamin D level to drop 20 points, so he wants it to be as high as possible before surgery to give the jaw bone the best chance at healing.

In this case with what is known about bone and dental health, what is a good level? I have been focusing on trying to increase D with sunlight, fish, cod liver oil, sun lamp, and working on cleansing with strong herbals.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Thanks for a great article. I too could not understand how the Marshall protocol would overall be beneficial. We need to reinterpreted all medicine pharma in light of its microbiome interactions, for example glyphosate/ roundup is considered nontoxic to human cells in vitro but is toxic to our microbes and therefore toxic to our health and all life. The kidney liver interplay made me think of Chinese medicine yin yang concept of balance

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