Wow. !!!

This was a fantastic article. I didn’t understand everything perfectly but I think I got a good understanding of the big picture.

Coming from the automotive parts manufacturing industry we had to understand how parts work in the totality of the performance of the car. Everything works together even if they don’t seem related to each other. Sometimes we would find through customer experience and interaction that outside elements not part of the cars systems could cause problems that weren’t apparent or even considered during the manufacturing process and testing phase.

Cause and effect. Understanding this in totality can lead to a better solution.

That’s my simple take away.

Thanks for this article to help us all understand more about how things really work. Great stuff. !!!

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From your comment it’s clear you probably understand this better now than most mainstream doctors ;-)

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Great article. The failure of 'drugs' and even OTC sinus remedies and treatments, are clearly evident. And the ramifications are far wider than we'd imagine. People die because of untreated, un-noticed sinus infections.. so what is to be done? What is anti-fungal, anti-virus, anti-mold, anti-yeast, anti- biofilm? .... we are postulating that biofilm in the sinus cavities is the issue that holds these infections in the sinus cavities... Sinus surgery does nothing but clear physical obstructions. Antibiotics are internal, impacting the blood stream... unable to jump out onto the layer of the sinus cavity.

We invented a nasal rinse that the US Patent & Trademark Office agrees 'cures' sinus infections... why? our main ingredient has been proven over 200 years to attack all pathogens, including fungus and biofilm, with zero toxicity at reasonable doses. Chlorine dioxide is the ivermectin of the century. We are prohibited by our friends at the FDA to actually tell everyone what our product does, but you can easily find out that over 900 water treatment facilities have used this compound for 90+ years to treat and purify water. Like ivermectin, the war on this compound is criminal.

Love to chat with you about what we have experienced, our customers reactions... and how this might be the best option for this widespread issue.




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I have a nurse friend who has allergies that act up and give her terrible sinus headaches. A couple of weeks ago, I gave her a package of Snoot and she said it REALLY helped when nothing else has. She LOVES it.

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Here is a discount code for readers of this article who want to try Snoot!: Syed


Use that code at checkout for 20% off

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Amazing info Dr Haider! Thank you! Similar info was given to me by an integrative MD regarding my recurring debilitating mouth/tongue ulcers…that “fungus” was an issue but not exactly the cause of my issue. I tried a treatment plan but was not successful. Prior conventional MDs told me it was an autoimmune issue but no way to treat. An oral biopsy did not reveal any cause. I suffered these painful sores on a monthly basis for 10 years! On my own I tried an over the counter daily chlorine dioxide rinse but also started meditation, and curcumin and black seed oil supplements. The sores have gone for 3 months now! I think the chlorine dioxide rinse had the biggest impact but not really sure. Despite my success, I feel I’m controlling but not cured. Probably need a skilled team like yours to truly detox. So appreciate this info and wish everyone could know about it!

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Hi Tina, Great to hear that you are getting good results with the chlorine dioxide rinse. Were you using DioxiRinse Mouthwash? https://frontierpharm.com/collections/oral-care/products/chlorine-dioxide-mouthwash-fresh-breath?variant=813635913. My company, Frontier Pharmaceutical, Inc makes this product. We are happy to extend a discount for anyone who wants to try DioxiRinse Mouthwash or our Snoot! Chlorine Dioxide Nasal Spray which works really well on chronic sinusitis. https://frontierpharm.com/collections/nasal-care/products/snoot-nasal-cleanser-4oz-kit-with-nasal-sprayer?variant=40544053723203. Use code: SYED at checkout.

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Yes Valerie! I’ve been using your wonderful DioxiRinse mouthwash! I still can’t believe I haven’t had another ulcer since using it! I recommended it to my mom for maintaining her dental implants (it is safe) and I’ve told her prosthodontist and my own biological dentist about DioxiRinse. Both receptive!

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That's great news Tina! Thank you for the recommendations. DioxiRinse is also great for improving gum tissue in preparation for implant surgery, and we have many dentists using it for this purpose, as well as after laser periodontal procedures. It's also great for any kind of infection in the mouth, bleeding gums, sore throats, and cleaning dentures, retainers and even your toothbrush.

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Another excellent article from a truly compassionate doctor/human being🤩

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Great article! My chronic sinusitis for decades cleared within 24hours of removal of my 9 amalgam fillings. You explained very well why one needs to get to the root and not just treat the symptoms.

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I love this “light under the lamppost” explanation for how scientific research works. Because in my experience, whatever the root psycho-social cause, most of my ailments are a result of how I react to the world.

In the case if my chronic sinusitis, it seems it was a result of the fact that I had always been grossed out by the feeling of swallowing my mucus. And that caused fluid to build up in my sinuses, likely causing fungi and bacteria to thrive there. But I was able to bring that situation to a sudden end by swallowing more deeply on occasion. This meant, in a sense, swallowing through my sinuses, and draining them through the Sphenoid sinus. When I do this type of swallowing, it feels as though I am swallowing the mucus in the back of my nasal passage. But I think it’s more a matter of creating a negative vacuum through my Sphenoid sinus, thus opening up any drainage mechanism and therefore draining the fluid from my all my sinuses.

Either way, once I started using this technique, my sinusitis went away almost immediately, and has never returned. As a result, it’s been about ten years now since I’ve had a sinus infection or even a sinus headache.

And this area at the back of my nasal passage at the bottom of the Sphenoid sinus, is also instrumental in my ability to prevent colds – as detail in my post:


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Dr. Haider, You are so smart and so full of information. I just wish you'd write something about the illnesses so many people are struggling with lately that are more debilitating than chronic sinusitis. I have been ill for the past year and recently discovered I have an illness that is affecting many many individuals; 22% have the gene HLA that makes them susceptible. It's called "CIRS", Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and many times it is called "Mold Illness" or "Biotoxin Illness." It is progressive unless treated and can lead to dementia and blindness among other things. It is often misdiagnosed as CFS, Lyme disease, anxiety, depression, MS, Fibromyalgia, etc. Most doctors have never even heard of it therefore many many people are suffering and not getting help. I bet you could change that! Thanks for all you do. You're one of the good guys!

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CIRS can be treated and healed at a deep level but it’s not a simple straightforward protocol. It requires a comprehensive history from the patient from birth until today and the patient has to be ready to make deep changes that not many people will put in the effort to achieve. The reason there is so little success in treating it is because the practitioners may not understand the step by step approach to detox and support required and the patients are unwilling to go the distance and complete challenging protocols. If you fix these two deficiencies you can heal CIRS and anything else.

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Thank you for your reply. I'm always surprised when an MD knows how to treat CIRS. Have you treated many CIRS patients? Do you use the Shoemaker protocol? Can you steer me in the direction of a practitioner who you'd recommend? Thanks again for educating us and for all the work you do.

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My partner Hakim Shabaz has had great success with CIRS, he says in reply to you:

“Someone asked you a question about CIRS on your blog:

“Yes, we have treated several patients with CIRS. Many chronically ill and sensitive individuals have elements of this condition. It’s a very nebulous term. Currently, we are treating two sisters from the UK who have faced significant trauma, including the deaths of their parents and their only brother. They were initially unable to do any work due to their health issues. Could hardly get out if their bed. After a long and hard battle, both have expelled a significant amount of worms and are now showing huge improvement as of last week. One of the sisters,, is, insha’Allah, preparing to return to work after a long time.

“Ritchie Shoemaker's approach heavily targets external environmental mold and toxins and relies extensively on antibiotics. However, his protocol may not adequately address the body's overall "terrain," including the health of the microbiome, detoxification pathways, and overall immune resilience. Patients do not develop CIRS solely due to physical issues; otherwise, everyone in a household with mold toxins would be affected. Mental and emotional stress or trauma also play a significant role, leading the immune system to freeze or overreact. Addressing these psychological factors is essential for achieving a long-term solution to the problem.”

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Thank you for your response. I am gradually learning more about CIRS and the emotional/trauma connection via nervous system disregulation. The program I am following stresses the importance of this too and recommends their clients take a brain retraining course which I just started. Thanks again!

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My mother had chronic sinus infections and went through many surgeries. I remember her talking about fungal involvement but I think she was given only various antibiotics, no anti-fungals. One of them, Trovan, put her in a coma and she nearly lost her liver. I also remember her wondering if it all started when as a child she fell off a chair and struck the corner of a stove, right between her eyes. She would have been very interested in this article.

Any thoughts on Lyme disease?

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Lyme is a bioweapon that ia good at hiding from the immune system. It takes persistence and skill from the practitioner and a really dedicated patient to root it out. Like anything else the most important factor is changing the terrain. The game board is working against patients, but the game board is you and you can change it to whatever you want. Change the game change the rules and you win.

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Check out Paulette's sub stack

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you might want to have her try this: www.snootspray.com. contains chlorine dioxide... and cinnamal (prevents viral replication)... the Cl02 is lab proven to kill fungus, bacteria, viruses, yeast, biofilm... and works great to dislodge mucus from whatever source...

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Thank you - I am familiar with Snoot and gave it to a friend - she loved it. Sadly, my mom passed in 2018 but at least she missed the covid fun.

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so very sorry about your mom... it is heartbreaking what happened... I'm glad your mom missed it too... losing parents is so hard.

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All my sinusitis and infections stopped within one month when I started taking vitamin D3 5,000iu daily. Cheap. Effective. It's been over 10 years of having normal sinuses.

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Dr. Haider, I found a lot of relief during Covid following Dr. Levy’s protocol using a nebuluzer with homemade saline water and a small amount of food grade HP. I later read either in his book or elsewhere that this helps get rid of the biofilm in nasal passages and elsewhere that prevents clearing up related health issues. Years ago my allergies improved by taking Quercitin with Bromelain. Over the course of the last few years using this the nebuluzer for prevention and then for the time I did have Covid your protocol, my allergies seem to be 99% resolved and nasal passages are clear and rarely swell. I also leaned to nasal breath during Covid and now never breath thru my mouth. Do you see a benefit to regular weekly (2-3x )use of nebulizing HP ? Is long term use safe?Thank you for educating us all.

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Me too… several doctors including Dr Mercola have endorsed the nebulization of FG H2O2 and normal saline for Covid and other respiratory ailments. When I feel like I am getting sick, I make up a batch and then nebulize several times a day. I feel better after each session.

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Incredible! 🤍 this article, found me at the perfect moment just healing from a recent viral infection and dealing with these exact symptoms. I turned my air on, and applied some essential oils to my sinus area and Immediately feel sooo much better, Thankyou I can breathe again!!!

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People are concerned over chemtrails in the environment. Someone suggested iodine nasal spray. What does this do

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Dr Haider, I have read the grapefruit seed extract nasal spray helps with sinus fungal infections. Do you have an opinion on GSE?

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Dr. Haider! This is an amazing article! I am one of your mygotodoc subscribers. I have chronic sinusitis and have had it since I was a young child. I grew up in a very toxic environment; South Texas coast with many oil refineries, every adult in my life smoking cigarettes, a dad that thought if a little bit of pesticide was good for killing roaches and mosquitoes then more should be better, fed foods out of cans and the freezer. (Forgive me, mom and dad, you were doing your best.) I think I am highly sensitive to environmental toxins ( I too have the HLA hapolotype described previously by your reader, Winona Stewart, and have been diagnosed with CIRS. Not sure how I missed this article!!

What a gift this article is as it gives me hope that with commitment and diligence I can feel better! I wake up daily with congestion, watering eyes, and brain fog. It takes a couple of hours to clear once I am vertical. I have no sense of smell at all. I have been through various detox protocols for mold, having had a previous significant environmental exposure., Some of the most distressing symptoms; hideous anxiety, depression, muscle tension and fasciculations, and intense brain fog have remitted though I do have residual muscle tension. But after reading this article I now have hope of feeling even better. I am savvy enough, being a 40 yr RN, to have taken a hard look at the mRNA shots and took none. My husband and I have had no shots and have never had a COVID infection. Our spike antibody levels are zero. We took IVM prophylactically for 3 years. I am grateful I did not add spike to my toxin burden.

Thank you so much for writing this substack, Dr. Haider, and yes, Winona, an article about CIRS would be great. Most doctors have no clue what it is.

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Very interesting and insightful work went into to this piece from beginning to end. Thank you for picking each part apart for every audience to comprehend Dr Haider!

I was particularly interested in the part where you discussed needing to go back to find the first issue before trying to heal the present symptom or presenting illness(') issue. Ive found this idea especially true for eczema and mcas sensitivities. Looking for past triggers helps determine what could have stacked on top and cause even bigger, seemingly worse current issues.

I wonder what your thoughts would be using this insight for patients who contract meningitis- especially in first world countries like Canada or the States.

Thank you!

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