Good job. I'm glad she was ok. But, the real question here is, "Why are you giving money to Disney?"

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You're right I had second thoughts once we showed up.

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Thank you for telling us the story. So happy you saved her life. I need a CPR class, I will find one. Thank you!

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Thank you for helping that woman. I’m

signing up for CPR because of this post.

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As it happens, just yesterday I signed up for a CPR class at the local FD this coming Monday. I was wondering if this was really necessary so thanks for the nudge, you convinced me!!

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Thank you for reminding me Doc, I need to renew my CPR.🙏🙏

I agree, everyone should have this training, especially now, and moving forward.☹🤔😐 Glad you were there for that lady and I hope she realised how lucky she was.🙏

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Congratulations Dr Haider for saving her life!

Have done several CPR courses over the years, but the last one 5 years ago was the most startling because of how much it has changed. Luckily they did train us in AED machines.

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Nothing good happens at Disney! NOTHING!

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Thanks for the reminder. Yeah I took CPR every 3 years. I was an exercise instructor and I always figured that in the emergency you never know how you're going to respond. Telling someone to get call 911 and to get the AED was right up there with clearing the scene.

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You are 👼 ❤️

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Stop Pharma or we all end up crippled, poisoned & broke like me or dead.

End 510(k). Make vaccine makers liable again. Undo Citizens United somehow. Stop User Fees & “consulting fee” payments made to surgeons & doctors. Everyone appears to be bought. We have to get this horrific genie back in the bottle, but how, when 3/4 of the world can’t fathom what’s really going on.

We don’t have many friends at all but already people who’ve had issues that to us seem related to the vaccine. 4 colon resections for ischemic colitis (no tumors or polyps), 2 heart attacks (no blockages other than the one that caused the heart attack. 3 strokes, 1 DVT. 2 fatal aneurysms, 1 fatal heart attack, & our supposedly unVaxxed 19yo extremely athletic son developed sudden onset angina & arrhythmias in September after boosters came out for teens. His gf had 4 shots, & he didn’t believe me when I said shedding was a possibility.

My son & all the people I just mentioned who didn’t die are taking multiple pills, day & night.


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Excellent story, Dr. Haider, and so happy about the good outcome. For those who cannot take a class right away, YouTube offers many videos.

I cannot assess the quality of the following (I'm not medically trained), but I'm passing it along in case yes. I review this material every 3 months but have not needed to put CPR into practice -- YET.

* Full CPR (6 min 30 sec): https://youtu.be/OaSovqEimyA

* Hands Only:

-- (1 min 10 sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tx_8LHgxVw

-- (4 min 44 sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lwRQTGzKcw

Text below is notes I took during the videos...

With Hands Only CPR, just 2 steps:

1. If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, call 911.

2. Start chest compressions.

- Use the heel of the hand, placed in the center of the chest with the other hand on top.

- Push hard and fast in the center of the chest until help arrives, 120 beats per minute, at about the pace of the song, Staying Alive.

American Heart Association article and videos: https://cpr.heart.org/en/cpr-courses-and-kits/hands-only-cpr

ACT - Assess; Call; Treat

1. Call 911

2. Push hard and fast in center of chest (120 bpm, 2 inches, arms straight)

3. Get AED (AED gives instructions)

4. Keep up compressions until help arrives, rotating compressor people as needed

(Mouth to mouth for kids and babies only)


P.S. I thought about reviewing CPR again just yesterday when a man at a nearby restaurant table received a phone call that his implanted device indicated (remotely) that he was having an atrial fibrillation episode. The man reported no symptoms, but over the phone was prescribed another blood thinner and told to go to the nearest emergency room if the second thinner caused side effects such as blood in his urine or stool or if he fell (we live in a rural area where there's a family doctor but no hospital or ER). The man did not have his (possibly extensive) list of current medications with him, so there wasn't any cross-checking of possible drug interactions during this call or any way to ensure that whatever device was monitoring his afib was working properly.

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