Good article. Many people using ivermectin to fight cancer are buying time to use other methods to detox and deal with the underlaying imbalances and problems. Terrain is huge in fighting any medical problem. Thanks for inspiring them to go beyond the quick fix and pursue better overall health.
I've seen people get rid of their cancer with ivermectin and fenbendazole. The point is what happens to them in the next 1-10 years? Do they die of a stroke, or a heart attack or get another cancer? The ones that do not get hit by something as bad or worse are much more likely to have deeply changed their ways because of coming close to death and taking it seriously.
It’s shocking to read such a rude and disrespectful comment . This very smart and compassionate doctor is giving his time and expertise freely here but clearly he is not going to doctor every person by his articles. It’s a starting point.
I write about the solution all the time. Deal with the underlying toxicity. It's different for everyone. Stop doing what got you sick basically. Assume you've been exposed to any number of toxins because you have. Know you have stopped your body from expelling old sick cells full of toxins many times in the past with symptomatic treatments.
It usually involves drastic dietary and lifestyle change. Then help your body detox by supporting detox organs and opening detox pathways and neutralizing releasing toxins and killing infections, this could mean gradual titration of CLO2, with chlorella and other binders, coffee enemas to stimulate the liver, castor oil packs to support organs, the detox cream for the neck I mentioned in the brain detox article, nutritional support with liver and green juices, and other things. The exact combination and the exact order of things depends on the person. Then once they've gotten started they will have to address emotional stuff at some point. Without someone to walk someone through it nearly everyone will balk at the severity of the herxheimer reactions that come up during detox and run the other way.
If you don't eradicate the cancer stem cells, the cancer will return. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin stop the microtubulation and progression. There is a lot of information about this if you just look. I suggest visiting or Ben Fens substack. Also
Why not be specific & just say the SAD (standard American diet) is a HUGE, if not THE main part of the problem. The sugar, the bioengineered ingredients, "natural flavors," meat, dairy, corn & vegetable oils, etc. Cancer is a business...a VERY profitable one at that! Their payroll is wide & varied. Check, research & verify any & all information. 😏
That was a fantastic article, and I thank you for breaking it down so clearly. Please do elucidate on the UV comments you made that seem contradictory on the surface.
The cancer needs some UV and will find it if it can. You also need UV. It's like saying both me and my enemy who arte stuck in a room together need oxygen to survive. OK, does that mean you should get rid of all the oxygen in the room?
Interesting perspective for sure, however, # 4 is where I get confused. I get out in the sun daily but #4 says the cancer seeks out UV to assist with metabolism. ? Can anyone help me understand
In this situation it's seeking out extra UV since it's been stopped from dividing. You will always have UV inside unless your dead. You need UV, the cancer doesn't need more UV than normal unless it's been inhibited from cell division. More UV from sun will boost your immune system which ultimately is what has to root out the cancer and what caused the cancer.
The immune system doing its job looks like illness to people. Its the same as a country that's been invaded by an enemy force and the army has to be deployed into cities where people live to seek and destroy their enemies from amongst them. Some homes will have been infiltrated and some people may have gone over to the other side and they will have to be rooted out too.
The weakest cells in your body are the ones that have absorbed the most toxins and when you get "sick" they get infected first and the immune system kills them off to get the invaders out. This is a process similar to eugenics. Preventing it is the same as dysgenics. The movie idiocracy is the example of what happens when dysgenics runs out of control in a society.
Chronic illness is what happens in your body when you interfere with survival of the fittest among your own cells.
Cancer is due to incredible amounts of stress that have increased to the point in a specific tissue that cells within that tissue think they are about to die and need to multiply as quickly as possible to prevent it, they are so desperate they give up making 36 ATP from a glucose molecule in the mitochondria in order to make 2 ATP in a way that's faster so they can drive cel division as quickly as possible, this is why people lose so much weight when cancer gets bigger. The cancer is using the least efficient means of energy production because it is a bit faster.
So the real cure for cancer is to remove all that cellular stress.
Everyone knows what the cellular stress might be, there is a laundry list of causes. Adress all those causes and cancer will stop multiplying on its own.
But it's fanciful to imagine that people can do this correctly themselves with a simple protocol, especially when this much is at stake. As I've tried to explain before its like a war with many very smart and capable enemies. You can try to create a plan before the war begins, but once the bullets start flying things change fast and a lot of plans will go out the window. There was never in the history of the world a long war that went exactly as planned out from the beginning, so how can a protocol be written for something like cancer on day 1 that will take someone all the way to the end?
What an eye-opening article, and written in a way that a lay person can understand. Thank you, Dr. Haider! I understand that it's partly theory, although it all makes so much sense.
Blocking Interleukin 11 helps with preventing bone metastasis, Curcumin helps block it (Liposomal Curcumin) along with several other pro inflammatory molecules/pathways.
Interleukin 11 (IL-11): Role(s) in Breast Cancer Bone Metastases
Paola Maroni,1,*† Paola Bendinelli,2,† Anita Ferraretto,1,2 and Giovanni Lombardi1,3
Khalid Sossey-Alaoui, Academic Editor
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer
Go to:
Bone metastases represent the main problem related to the progression of breast cancer, as they are the main cause of death for these patients. Unfortunately, to date, bone metastases are incurable and represent the main challenge for the researcher. Chemokines and cytokines affect different stages of the metastatic process, and in bone metastases, interleukin (IL) -6, IL-8, IL-1β, and IL-11 participate in the interaction between cancer cells and bone cells. This review focuses on IL-11, a pleiotropic cytokine that, in addition to its well-known effects on several tissues, also mediates certain signals in cancer cells. In particular, as IL-11 works on bone remodeling, it plays a relevant role in the osteolytic vicious cycle of bone resorption and tumour growth, which characterizes bone metastasis. IL-11 appears as a candidate for anti-metastatic therapy. Even if different therapeutic approaches have considered IL-11 and the downstream-activated gp130 signaling pathways activated downstream of gp130, further studies are needed to decipher the contribution of the different cytokines and their mechanisms of action in breast cancer progression to define therapeutic strategies.
And germs dont cause illness. I think cancer is made up term like viruses. Symptoms are body detoxing, tumors are body collecting toxins it cant excrete fast enough. Why no heart cancer if metastisis is real????? For certain, virus do not cause "cancer" www.VirusTruth.NET
The easiest available “weight” [cancer] can add to its preferred side of the seesaw is to find an external source of UV light - e.g. seek out UV from the sun near the surface of the body
But near the end of the post you suggest that not getting enough sun is unhealthful. These two statements seem to be at odds with each other.
I know someone who is dealing with cancer right now, yet seems to be getting a lot of sun - which makes this an important issue. So I'd appreciate some clarification.
The cancer needs some UV and will find it if it can. You also need UV. It's like saying both me and my enemy who arte stuck in a room together need oxygen to survive. OK, does that mean you should get rid of all the oxygen in the room?
As long as Leon Trotskys great granddaughter works for the Americans medical slaughter house I will never trust them again. Her name is Nora Volkow, yep TROTSKYS FAMILY.
It's the real world not a fairy tale. Reality isn't depressing, it's just not a babies sandbox. The world works a certain way. If you follow the rules you survive, if you break them badly enough you die. We've been given the wrong manual for understanding the world since we were young and we've made a lot of mistakes that have compounded over time. And yet you can fix them all if you give it a few months and are determined enough, and you can certainly cure cancer if you're willing to do what it takes.
Good article. Many people using ivermectin to fight cancer are buying time to use other methods to detox and deal with the underlaying imbalances and problems. Terrain is huge in fighting any medical problem. Thanks for inspiring them to go beyond the quick fix and pursue better overall health.
I've seen people get rid of their cancer with ivermectin and fenbendazole. The point is what happens to them in the next 1-10 years? Do they die of a stroke, or a heart attack or get another cancer? The ones that do not get hit by something as bad or worse are much more likely to have deeply changed their ways because of coming close to death and taking it seriously.
Sorry Doc, but you somehow sound as misleading as the 10:00 news.
It’s shocking to read such a rude and disrespectful comment . This very smart and compassionate doctor is giving his time and expertise freely here but clearly he is not going to doctor every person by his articles. It’s a starting point.
So what is the solution?
I write about the solution all the time. Deal with the underlying toxicity. It's different for everyone. Stop doing what got you sick basically. Assume you've been exposed to any number of toxins because you have. Know you have stopped your body from expelling old sick cells full of toxins many times in the past with symptomatic treatments.
It usually involves drastic dietary and lifestyle change. Then help your body detox by supporting detox organs and opening detox pathways and neutralizing releasing toxins and killing infections, this could mean gradual titration of CLO2, with chlorella and other binders, coffee enemas to stimulate the liver, castor oil packs to support organs, the detox cream for the neck I mentioned in the brain detox article, nutritional support with liver and green juices, and other things. The exact combination and the exact order of things depends on the person. Then once they've gotten started they will have to address emotional stuff at some point. Without someone to walk someone through it nearly everyone will balk at the severity of the herxheimer reactions that come up during detox and run the other way.
I think this is what he is getting at. They have a new service at
OK but that really doesn't TELL you anything - how do I know it's not what I've been doing for 70 years? "Trust us?"
If you don't eradicate the cancer stem cells, the cancer will return. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin stop the microtubulation and progression. There is a lot of information about this if you just look. I suggest visiting or Ben Fens substack. Also
Doctors would go broke if they cure you..can't buy a new Mercedes unless you jab those morons with the clot shot.
Why not be specific & just say the SAD (standard American diet) is a HUGE, if not THE main part of the problem. The sugar, the bioengineered ingredients, "natural flavors," meat, dairy, corn & vegetable oils, etc. Cancer is a business...a VERY profitable one at that! Their payroll is wide & varied. Check, research & verify any & all information. 😏
Toxic light, toxic food, toxic water, toxic air, toxic "meds", toxic thoughts, toxic feelings, toxic relationships, toxic jobs, toxic money. I could write a book.
Sorry but this definitely went through my head the way you hit that title lol
That was a fantastic article, and I thank you for breaking it down so clearly. Please do elucidate on the UV comments you made that seem contradictory on the surface.
The cancer needs some UV and will find it if it can. You also need UV. It's like saying both me and my enemy who arte stuck in a room together need oxygen to survive. OK, does that mean you should get rid of all the oxygen in the room?
Interesting perspective for sure, however, # 4 is where I get confused. I get out in the sun daily but #4 says the cancer seeks out UV to assist with metabolism. ? Can anyone help me understand
Thank you
In this situation it's seeking out extra UV since it's been stopped from dividing. You will always have UV inside unless your dead. You need UV, the cancer doesn't need more UV than normal unless it's been inhibited from cell division. More UV from sun will boost your immune system which ultimately is what has to root out the cancer and what caused the cancer.
The immune system doing its job looks like illness to people. Its the same as a country that's been invaded by an enemy force and the army has to be deployed into cities where people live to seek and destroy their enemies from amongst them. Some homes will have been infiltrated and some people may have gone over to the other side and they will have to be rooted out too.
The weakest cells in your body are the ones that have absorbed the most toxins and when you get "sick" they get infected first and the immune system kills them off to get the invaders out. This is a process similar to eugenics. Preventing it is the same as dysgenics. The movie idiocracy is the example of what happens when dysgenics runs out of control in a society.
Chronic illness is what happens in your body when you interfere with survival of the fittest among your own cells.
Cancer is due to incredible amounts of stress that have increased to the point in a specific tissue that cells within that tissue think they are about to die and need to multiply as quickly as possible to prevent it, they are so desperate they give up making 36 ATP from a glucose molecule in the mitochondria in order to make 2 ATP in a way that's faster so they can drive cel division as quickly as possible, this is why people lose so much weight when cancer gets bigger. The cancer is using the least efficient means of energy production because it is a bit faster.
So the real cure for cancer is to remove all that cellular stress.
Everyone knows what the cellular stress might be, there is a laundry list of causes. Adress all those causes and cancer will stop multiplying on its own.
But it's fanciful to imagine that people can do this correctly themselves with a simple protocol, especially when this much is at stake. As I've tried to explain before its like a war with many very smart and capable enemies. You can try to create a plan before the war begins, but once the bullets start flying things change fast and a lot of plans will go out the window. There was never in the history of the world a long war that went exactly as planned out from the beginning, so how can a protocol be written for something like cancer on day 1 that will take someone all the way to the end?
Sunscreen gives you so called skin cancer and other skin issues. Not the sun.
Very good article. I've thought for some time that cancer is a wall our body puts up to protect us from a toxin or parasite.
I think he made it perfectly clear what the solution is. Perhaps you need to read it again.
What an eye-opening article, and written in a way that a lay person can understand. Thank you, Dr. Haider! I understand that it's partly theory, although it all makes so much sense.
Blocking Interleukin 11 helps with preventing bone metastasis, Curcumin helps block it (Liposomal Curcumin) along with several other pro inflammatory molecules/pathways.
Interleukin 11 (IL-11): Role(s) in Breast Cancer Bone Metastases
Paola Maroni,1,*† Paola Bendinelli,2,† Anita Ferraretto,1,2 and Giovanni Lombardi1,3
Khalid Sossey-Alaoui, Academic Editor
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer
Go to:
Bone metastases represent the main problem related to the progression of breast cancer, as they are the main cause of death for these patients. Unfortunately, to date, bone metastases are incurable and represent the main challenge for the researcher. Chemokines and cytokines affect different stages of the metastatic process, and in bone metastases, interleukin (IL) -6, IL-8, IL-1β, and IL-11 participate in the interaction between cancer cells and bone cells. This review focuses on IL-11, a pleiotropic cytokine that, in addition to its well-known effects on several tissues, also mediates certain signals in cancer cells. In particular, as IL-11 works on bone remodeling, it plays a relevant role in the osteolytic vicious cycle of bone resorption and tumour growth, which characterizes bone metastasis. IL-11 appears as a candidate for anti-metastatic therapy. Even if different therapeutic approaches have considered IL-11 and the downstream-activated gp130 signaling pathways activated downstream of gp130, further studies are needed to decipher the contribution of the different cytokines and their mechanisms of action in breast cancer progression to define therapeutic strategies.
Dr. Tom Cowan md best explains cancer and tumors
And germs dont cause illness. I think cancer is made up term like viruses. Symptoms are body detoxing, tumors are body collecting toxins it cant excrete fast enough. Why no heart cancer if metastisis is real????? For certain, virus do not cause "cancer" www.VirusTruth.NET
In your post you say:
The easiest available “weight” [cancer] can add to its preferred side of the seesaw is to find an external source of UV light - e.g. seek out UV from the sun near the surface of the body
But near the end of the post you suggest that not getting enough sun is unhealthful. These two statements seem to be at odds with each other.
I know someone who is dealing with cancer right now, yet seems to be getting a lot of sun - which makes this an important issue. So I'd appreciate some clarification.
The cancer needs some UV and will find it if it can. You also need UV. It's like saying both me and my enemy who arte stuck in a room together need oxygen to survive. OK, does that mean you should get rid of all the oxygen in the room?
That confused me too. Light therapy is used to heal, and Vit. D from the sun. 🤷
Sun doesnt give you cancer, sunscreen does. We are like plants and trees. Need sun and water. Sunscreen is equal to pesticides.
The contact site feels very disingenuous.
They openly tell you that this group is selling your information they obtain.
But sell to who ??
We're not selling your information, where does it say that? Are you talking about substack or mygotodoc?
As long as Leon Trotskys great granddaughter works for the Americans medical slaughter house I will never trust them again. Her name is Nora Volkow, yep TROTSKYS FAMILY.
Fuggin Bolsheviks
How much of this is “Known”, and how much is Theoretical? Not arguing, but wanting to know. Thanks.
How depressing.
It's the real world not a fairy tale. Reality isn't depressing, it's just not a babies sandbox. The world works a certain way. If you follow the rules you survive, if you break them badly enough you die. We've been given the wrong manual for understanding the world since we were young and we've made a lot of mistakes that have compounded over time. And yet you can fix them all if you give it a few months and are determined enough, and you can certainly cure cancer if you're willing to do what it takes.