Somewhat related: My mother died of Pulmonary Fibrosis, which sounds scientific, when all it really means is "your lungs are failing, and we have no clue what to do about it." I have Idiopathic Neuropathy in my feet, meaning "we can't do a thing about the mysterious tingling and numbness of your feet, but this fancy name may make you feel better than if we frankly admit that." If you think about it, having a shaman tell you that you are inhabited by an Evil Spirit, then doing a sacred dance while shaking a rattle is just as informative, more likely to engage the Placebo Effect, and better theatre.

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Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to say, bravo!

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Well similar story here. My mother died of lung cancer from the radiation they gave her for breast cancer 33 years prior. She beat the breast cancer twice after having chemotherapy but they wouldn't give her any chemo for the lung cancer, said the cancer was too advanced and. Well, I agree the chemo was nonsense, but without the chemo she thought would save her, she passed away. I'm pretty sure the chemo would have been the placebo that would have saved her.

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Dr’s are reawakening to energetics and homeopathy as they are trying hard to squelch and destroy them yet again.

Thanks for this.

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Monks in India (read about the study in the book Feeling Good) went outside with wet towels wrapped around their bodies in freezing mountain weather. By focusing their mind they were able redirect energy to their skin heating up the towels to dry them completely. Now kids can’t even handle 3” of snow walking to school.

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Great article! The power of your thoughts and your mind is fascinating. What’s odd is that is seems to be harder for people to take the positive route that often results in wellness versus the negative route which is so obviously more detrimental. I am so curious why the human tendency is the negative thought pattern. Additionally, there is an interesting documentary on Netflix called “Afflicted,” and there are several of the patients who have seemingly convinced themselves of an illness and are therefore living in it, as very sick people and what is actually making them sick is a mere “mystery” aside from being rooted in their adoption of the thought. Wild stuff. Great article, Dr. Haider.

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