Yes, you. All of you. No, it's not what you think, it's not the food or water or air. It's worse than that because it's completely hidden from awareness and yet it's everywhere.
Or you can be weird like me and sleep right when the sun starts setting. I started this years ago when I didn't want to use an alarm clock anymore- which is another problem because you can't predict what REM cycle you will be in while the thing blasts off. If you're in a deep cycle in can wreck your day. Now my sleep cycle evolved to this being awake entirely with the sunlight (summer through winter) and I wake up naturally anywhere between 1:00 and 4:30 am, depending on what my body needs I guess. Another benefit is getting things done when everyone else is asleep. Of course I somewhat miss my previous nightly social events, but not really the alcohol, crappy TV shows, or occasional drama.
If you sleep less in the summer you’ll sleep more I the winter, but the normal mammalian and human sleep cycle when artificial lights aren’t around includes a period of wakefulness in the middle of the night. That might be longer in the winter. It’s a time for reflection, meditation, etc.
Years ago I remember dreading the full moon every month for 12 years. All special occasions and all normal days were planned around the full moon. Without exception my ex-husband became much more violent during this period. I never believed the powerful influence of the moon until I observed it personally. So not just women, but men are influenced as well.
Incredible thanks for sharing that. Many people may have similar effects and not notice since nowadays people almost invariably have no idea what phase the moon is in.
All you docs and scientists just need to spend time in a neighborhood bar during new/full moons to experience the effects firsthand! Also, look at the charts women on Natural Family Planning keep, to see the ups and downs. I once was a member of a breastfeeding/NFP group and one woman thought she couldn’t get pregnant. Turns out, she was avoiding sex with hubby when she was having “messy” mucus (the “more fertile” mucus). After we all encouraged her to try during that time, she did conceive👶🏼👶🏽. So not sexist or crazy at all, just facts. ✌🏼🫶
hard to turn off the lights when the city has installed excessively bright and blue street lights everywhere but buying thick light blocking curtains has helped though it makes my room really hot
Another eye opener from Dr Haider! My aim : to take this wisdom and put it into practice. Remember “early to bed early to rise …….” little jingle! Thank you Dr Haider. I am learning to read your articles slower and more than once to get the gold out of each one. God bless you for your caring heart.
So interesting Dr Haider! Thanks for the helpful info! I never connected LUNAtic with the moon but certainly experienced some extra crazy shifts at the hospital during the full moon. Little did I realize that some of that craziness was probably on my end! 🤪 I always said an extra serenity prayer before those shifts! 🙏🙏🙏
Very original, thank you. But as a practical matter I wonder how one actually does this. Here in Chicago, in the winter it is dark by 5:00 pm. How does one live without artificial lighting all winter? I'd be very interested in a blog or something by someone who actually does the "no artificial lighting after dark" lifestyle.
I do it. You pray, meditate, reflect, do breathwork, stretch, etc in the dark. You get creative like writing a haiku when you have a hard limit imposed upon you. You figure out what works within that limit. You c an also use very dim lighting like candles and even a fire that don’t significantly impact hormonal cycles. If you need to use an electrical light then 50 lux in the redder spectrum something similar to fire or candlelight would probably be OK.
I wish I could do that. But if I were awake I would just be tossing and turning in bed all those hours. I know too much light is not good but what are the practical alternatives to artificial light in winter? I’m really interested in this.
You can get used to anything and the only way to really thrive is to follow the dictates of natural law. Once you do that you’ll feel the true power in your being. No one could rival Alexander but there was room to rule plenty of territory underneath him.
I wonder about how this all affects the neurodivergent? The things that help neurotypicals sleep don’t necessarily affect us the same way, I am finding.
Two things. I have heard that people are weirder/crazier during the full moon and it has something to do with serotonin and parasites. I have heard multiple times that if you are going to do a parasite cleanse, do it during the full moon.
Also, I recently learned that we produce less melatonin during the full moon. Not sure if that would cause crazy behavior. But I found it interesting.
That being said I agree. I really don’t like lights on in my house especially LEDs at night. I t gives me anxious feelings. We have changed out our LED lights to incandescent.
Word is, she's a shallow vessel but she is not empty, the moon has been "reawakened" lately, for within her are found "futuristic tech" of plasma centers within casings. We got benevolent help, couldn't do it without, besides the also present day undertaking(back) of earth and our lives from its hijacking. Just saying. I can give sources, but it certainly isn't just some big ol magnet stuck on this here rock we all poop on.
Regarding what's out there, I'll spend the small amount of time checking this out, compared with all the years wasted watching television & movie versions. Thank you sir, for your wealth of work and care!
Or you can be weird like me and sleep right when the sun starts setting. I started this years ago when I didn't want to use an alarm clock anymore- which is another problem because you can't predict what REM cycle you will be in while the thing blasts off. If you're in a deep cycle in can wreck your day. Now my sleep cycle evolved to this being awake entirely with the sunlight (summer through winter) and I wake up naturally anywhere between 1:00 and 4:30 am, depending on what my body needs I guess. Another benefit is getting things done when everyone else is asleep. Of course I somewhat miss my previous nightly social events, but not really the alcohol, crappy TV shows, or occasional drama.
In winter that means sleeping about 14 hours. I just can’t do that. How do you manage winter?
If you sleep less in the summer you’ll sleep more I the winter, but the normal mammalian and human sleep cycle when artificial lights aren’t around includes a period of wakefulness in the middle of the night. That might be longer in the winter. It’s a time for reflection, meditation, etc.
I am not sleeping through all of the night hours, I am awake for a good portion. I am just awake for the sun's entirety.
Years ago I remember dreading the full moon every month for 12 years. All special occasions and all normal days were planned around the full moon. Without exception my ex-husband became much more violent during this period. I never believed the powerful influence of the moon until I observed it personally. So not just women, but men are influenced as well.
Incredible thanks for sharing that. Many people may have similar effects and not notice since nowadays people almost invariably have no idea what phase the moon is in.
I worked in an ER years ago. I can testify that things got wild with a full moon. We saw more blood and more craziness. It’s real.
Wow, I never noticed because I never knew what phase the moon was in.
Haha we talk about that all the time in obstetrics!!
All you docs and scientists just need to spend time in a neighborhood bar during new/full moons to experience the effects firsthand! Also, look at the charts women on Natural Family Planning keep, to see the ups and downs. I once was a member of a breastfeeding/NFP group and one woman thought she couldn’t get pregnant. Turns out, she was avoiding sex with hubby when she was having “messy” mucus (the “more fertile” mucus). After we all encouraged her to try during that time, she did conceive👶🏼👶🏽. So not sexist or crazy at all, just facts. ✌🏼🫶
hard to turn off the lights when the city has installed excessively bright and blue street lights everywhere but buying thick light blocking curtains has helped though it makes my room really hot
When I first read this it made me think of the song by the Canadian Rock Band
Red Rider, Lunatic Fringe.
Fascinating how much nature affects us in so many ways that we are not aware of.
Thanks for continuing to shine the light and even the moon on these subjects.
Personally it’s really fun learning about nature and how it affects our lives.
Another eye opener from Dr Haider! My aim : to take this wisdom and put it into practice. Remember “early to bed early to rise …….” little jingle! Thank you Dr Haider. I am learning to read your articles slower and more than once to get the gold out of each one. God bless you for your caring heart.
So interesting Dr Haider! Thanks for the helpful info! I never connected LUNAtic with the moon but certainly experienced some extra crazy shifts at the hospital during the full moon. Little did I realize that some of that craziness was probably on my end! 🤪 I always said an extra serenity prayer before those shifts! 🙏🙏🙏
Very original, thank you. But as a practical matter I wonder how one actually does this. Here in Chicago, in the winter it is dark by 5:00 pm. How does one live without artificial lighting all winter? I'd be very interested in a blog or something by someone who actually does the "no artificial lighting after dark" lifestyle.
I do it. You pray, meditate, reflect, do breathwork, stretch, etc in the dark. You get creative like writing a haiku when you have a hard limit imposed upon you. You figure out what works within that limit. You c an also use very dim lighting like candles and even a fire that don’t significantly impact hormonal cycles. If you need to use an electrical light then 50 lux in the redder spectrum something similar to fire or candlelight would probably be OK.
Do some research on using red light only once the sun sets.
Over about 100 lux will stop impact nighttime hormones.
I wish I could do that. But if I were awake I would just be tossing and turning in bed all those hours. I know too much light is not good but what are the practical alternatives to artificial light in winter? I’m really interested in this.
Praying, meditating, reflecting in the dark. Very dim red light 50-100 lux seems not to affect hormone production. Candles are sufficiently dim.
You can get used to anything and the only way to really thrive is to follow the dictates of natural law. Once you do that you’ll feel the true power in your being. No one could rival Alexander but there was room to rule plenty of territory underneath him.
I wonder about how this all affects the neurodivergent? The things that help neurotypicals sleep don’t necessarily affect us the same way, I am finding.
Two things. I have heard that people are weirder/crazier during the full moon and it has something to do with serotonin and parasites. I have heard multiple times that if you are going to do a parasite cleanse, do it during the full moon.
Also, I recently learned that we produce less melatonin during the full moon. Not sure if that would cause crazy behavior. But I found it interesting.
That being said I agree. I really don’t like lights on in my house especially LEDs at night. I t gives me anxious feelings. We have changed out our LED lights to incandescent.
Stock up because they are trying to ban them.
Word is, she's a shallow vessel but she is not empty, the moon has been "reawakened" lately, for within her are found "futuristic tech" of plasma centers within casings. We got benevolent help, couldn't do it without, besides the also present day undertaking(back) of earth and our lives from its hijacking. Just saying. I can give sources, but it certainly isn't just some big ol magnet stuck on this here rock we all poop on.
Dan Winter, electric engineer with a heart of gold you can find YT and many websites he launched including,, Through him did I discover Elena Danaan ( who started a star nation news weekly worth our attention! She got past 40 episodes, many of the previous hold a lot of well-grounded "spaced out" info. ;D
Regarding what's out there, I'll spend the small amount of time checking this out, compared with all the years wasted watching television & movie versions. Thank you sir, for your wealth of work and care!