The deepest root cause of women's illnesses are often found in toxic relationships that deprive them of a sense of security and love. This then manifests in superficial physical "causes."
When I lived with my father I was happy and healthy. It was all so perfect. Then when he passed on I took a spouse that became a weak snowflake. We live "apart" in the same house but it's lonely , depressing and I seem to have a lot of physical aches and pain now. Thankfully I have wonderful strong son who visits and checks on me. I am also thankful I have God!
That’s crazy deep. Although it may seem a bit out of line for the time or politically incorrect to some, it offers strong and convincing scientific arguments that are difficult to dispute. Growing up in a liberal French family I felt a bit uneasy. But have to swallow the truth pill. We learn from our mistakes. It really resonates with my own experiences. One day, you guys will change the medical paradigm. I can’t thank you enough.
This is such a beautiful overview for a woman to keep in mind . This should be a required read for ob/gynecologists and endocrinologists . It makes so much sense how the excess fear, stress and anxiety leads to estrogen dominance and countless women are given “ pills” to deal with it with no insight to look inwards . As Barbara O’Neil says “ given the right conditions, the body will heal itself “ . Thank you Dr Haider for bringing the spiritual and emotional aspects into the field of medicine . We have to move towards this model and get away from the pill for every ill model . Same thing for blood pressure.., when it is high it is the symptom that something is out of order internally whether it be insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction due to stressors, toxins , vaccines , poor diet etc and modern medicine just attempts to control the symptom and patient becomes a victim to a diagnosis not informed to look within .
I agree, I think it’s really important for both men and women to read this. This can help us to begin healing society.
I wish this is the approach we all were to take in raising our youth and in dealing with sickness.
I see this with my close friends who are divorced or going through difficult marriages- their physical symptoms keep getting more intense and their seems to be no doctor that can help them.
This is so very interesting and amazing. Thank you, thank you, for being courageous enough to be able to state what is a woman! We clearly live in a confused world, in part by design to create confusion to keep us all neurotic and anxious. Thank you!
Beautiful and resonant. We are complementary, and pay through malaise and ill health when we disrespect Nature and her sacred balance.
I see the estrogen dominance issue in patients daily, and have long lamented that feminism the way it’s expressed is actually misogyny, because it harbors contempt for the feminine and rewards women the more they imitate men, be it through lifestyle choices or attitudes. As this doesn’t “free” women from the role of the sex that creates human life, they have to divide their energy and attention, and unfortunately, it is often the next generation, the children, that get the short end of the stick.
And if women’s role changes, so does that of men, who can find themselves confused and disrespected, as well.
Thank for a beautiful essay full of eternal truth.
Interesting. Regarding the notion that male DNA in females is from prior sex partners, a question is whether it is simply a biological record, like layers in a core ice sample, or a bioactive process that affects female physiology/behavior including pregnancy and development. As we’ve learned the hard way with gene manipulating mRNA shots, injecting foreign genetic material can have many outcomes other than the intended outcome. One thought regarding a potential adaptive theory of a female serving as a repository of prior male sex partner DNA is perhaps as a ‘record’ of successful breeder outcome. Because males create sperm on the fly it is subject to a reflection of the fitness of that male as well as presumably favorable supporting environmental conditions. Perhaps a genetic ‘ice core like’ record of prior successful male sexual partners serves in some manner, an as yet unknown adaptative process.
I was a lot like Emily and found myself in untrustworthy relationships. I could not get pregnant for 20 years. Husband completed suicide. I was alone for 5 years during a healing crisis/process. Began seeing my amazing, trustworthy, steadfast now-husband a year ago and got pregnant at age 41 during the first month we started sleeping together. I was unable to sustain the pregnancy but I call it a miracle nonetheless.
When I lived with my father I was happy and healthy. It was all so perfect. Then when he passed on I took a spouse that became a weak snowflake. We live "apart" in the same house but it's lonely , depressing and I seem to have a lot of physical aches and pain now. Thankfully I have wonderful strong son who visits and checks on me. I am also thankful I have God!
That’s crazy deep. Although it may seem a bit out of line for the time or politically incorrect to some, it offers strong and convincing scientific arguments that are difficult to dispute. Growing up in a liberal French family I felt a bit uneasy. But have to swallow the truth pill. We learn from our mistakes. It really resonates with my own experiences. One day, you guys will change the medical paradigm. I can’t thank you enough.
This is such a beautiful overview for a woman to keep in mind . This should be a required read for ob/gynecologists and endocrinologists . It makes so much sense how the excess fear, stress and anxiety leads to estrogen dominance and countless women are given “ pills” to deal with it with no insight to look inwards . As Barbara O’Neil says “ given the right conditions, the body will heal itself “ . Thank you Dr Haider for bringing the spiritual and emotional aspects into the field of medicine . We have to move towards this model and get away from the pill for every ill model . Same thing for blood pressure.., when it is high it is the symptom that something is out of order internally whether it be insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction due to stressors, toxins , vaccines , poor diet etc and modern medicine just attempts to control the symptom and patient becomes a victim to a diagnosis not informed to look within .
I agree, I think it’s really important for both men and women to read this. This can help us to begin healing society.
I wish this is the approach we all were to take in raising our youth and in dealing with sickness.
I see this with my close friends who are divorced or going through difficult marriages- their physical symptoms keep getting more intense and their seems to be no doctor that can help them.
This is so very interesting and amazing. Thank you, thank you, for being courageous enough to be able to state what is a woman! We clearly live in a confused world, in part by design to create confusion to keep us all neurotic and anxious. Thank you!
Beautiful and resonant. We are complementary, and pay through malaise and ill health when we disrespect Nature and her sacred balance.
I see the estrogen dominance issue in patients daily, and have long lamented that feminism the way it’s expressed is actually misogyny, because it harbors contempt for the feminine and rewards women the more they imitate men, be it through lifestyle choices or attitudes. As this doesn’t “free” women from the role of the sex that creates human life, they have to divide their energy and attention, and unfortunately, it is often the next generation, the children, that get the short end of the stick.
And if women’s role changes, so does that of men, who can find themselves confused and disrespected, as well.
Thank for a beautiful essay full of eternal truth.
It's totally true 👍 👌.
Interesting. Regarding the notion that male DNA in females is from prior sex partners, a question is whether it is simply a biological record, like layers in a core ice sample, or a bioactive process that affects female physiology/behavior including pregnancy and development. As we’ve learned the hard way with gene manipulating mRNA shots, injecting foreign genetic material can have many outcomes other than the intended outcome. One thought regarding a potential adaptive theory of a female serving as a repository of prior male sex partner DNA is perhaps as a ‘record’ of successful breeder outcome. Because males create sperm on the fly it is subject to a reflection of the fitness of that male as well as presumably favorable supporting environmental conditions. Perhaps a genetic ‘ice core like’ record of prior successful male sexual partners serves in some manner, an as yet unknown adaptative process.
…… and vice versa … it’s written in the Good Book . 🙌🏼
Comprehensive, clear and direct, and responsible side notes appreciated!
I was a lot like Emily and found myself in untrustworthy relationships. I could not get pregnant for 20 years. Husband completed suicide. I was alone for 5 years during a healing crisis/process. Began seeing my amazing, trustworthy, steadfast now-husband a year ago and got pregnant at age 41 during the first month we started sleeping together. I was unable to sustain the pregnancy but I call it a miracle nonetheless.